Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

Post by Dardedar »

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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"Of the world's 23 "rich" countries, the U.S. gun-related murder rate is almost 20 times that of the other 22. With almost one privately owned firearm per person, America's ownership rate is the highest in the world; tribal-conflict-torn Yemen is ranked second, with a rate about half of America's.

But what about the country at the other end of the spectrum? What is the role of guns in Japan, the developed world's least firearm-filled nation and perhaps its strictest controller? In 2008, the U.S. had over 12 thousand firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. And that was a big year: 2006 saw an astounding two, and when that number jumped to 22 in 2007, it became a national scandal. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally."
The Atlantic
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

Post by Dardedar »

Gun Nut quote of the day.

Taking back America with Freedom Patriot Teabagger machine shops:

"Most machine shops today (and gun enthusiasts in garages across this country) are fully capable of building reliable, accurate and very effective weapons of almost any conventional variety NOW..including shoulder fired missile systems..It's not rocket science, Darrel..Our citizenry includes millions of Veterans and weapons designers of every specialty who are fully capable of producing just about anything in a reasonable time frame..Fortunately, they (we) love our country and believe it is the "last best hope" for mankind...You won't grasp this, son..but your Freedom is in good hands.."
--Patrick D.
Sen. Mark Pryor's Facebook

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Larger PDF image here: http://libcloud.s3.amazonaws.com/9/43/f ... 1_WaPo.pdf.

"Last year, there were about 12.1 million gun sales by licensed gun dealers who ran criminal background checks on buyers to weed out those who are prohibited from buying a gun, including felons, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill. The number of unlicensed sales last year is not known.
...Mayors Against Illegal Guns — founded by Mayor Bloomberg — estimates, based on federal data and past studies, that another 6.6 million guns were sold without background checks in 2012."
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... z2QgtHHPBh

Polling on Background checks:

Pew: 85%
"More than eight-in-ten gun owners support proposals to require background checks on private gun sales and at gun shows."
http://www.pewresearch.org/daily-number ... gun-sales/

The Quinnipiac University poll, conducted among 1,772 registered voters from Jan. 30-Feb. 4, showed that support among those living in a gun-owning household was almost equally high: 91 percent of those voters said they support universal background checks."
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-575 ... nd-checks/

"Ninety-two percent of Americans favor background checks for all potential gun buyers, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll."
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-34222_162-5 ... nd-checks/

"Nearly three quarters (74 percent) of NRA members supported requiring a background check system for all gun sales, according to a poll released Monday by Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. The survey found 89 percent of all Americans support the proposal."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the ... s_politics
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

Post by Dardedar »

Thirty second clip.

Best gun control commercial ever?


The 2nd was designed to address single shot muskets so wimpy we don't even consider them firearms anymore. Thus it has very little to *no* reference to modern military arms.

Quote of the Day:
Great news!! I can now start that unregulated, legal 'Gun Trafficking Ring' I have always wanted!! I can't 'legally' buy 2 boxes of Sudafed at a time...but, Mr. Pharmacist...that's why I have the guns!!!!!!!!! Now, hand over my damn decongestants.

"There were 16,454,951 background checks on firearms purchases in 2011, or more than 45,000 each day of the year. This tally doesn't include the number sold at gun shows, where purchasers don't get screened. Of the transactions run through an instant background check, an average of 214 are rejected daily because the buyer is an ex-con, has been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital or is prohibited from owning a gun for another reason." Huff Po

Quote of the Day:
Hey, Second Amendment lunatics. Think about this:

The entire city of Boston was under martial law the last few days. You get that, right? MARTIAL LAW.

In a cameras-everywhere society, we went from tragedy to identification to capture in less than five days. And to make that happen, the full-force of the government came in, shut down a major metropolitan area, instituted a no-fly zone, flooded the place with troops and technology and locked it down until it completed its mission.

Think about that, screaming gun lunatic with more weapons than friends, the next time you think your 100-clip magazine and fourteen guns can protect you from a determined military. Your “Red Dawn” fantasy is laughable.

Think about that the next time there’s a school shooting that could have been prevented by a ban or minimized by regulating clip size, but wasn’t because of you or the fearful twit in the Senate that represents you.

Think about that when some mentally unstable person gets his weaponry from a gun show without the simplest of background checks, and tears apart dozens or hundreds of lives.

My views on the issue haven’t changed in the last week. I want sensible gun reform and will continue to fight for it. I stand with 90% of Americans and against the senators who are in the pocket of the NRA.

You, on the other hand, got a big lesson on just how sad and defenseless you would be if Obama – or ANY President – truly was the dictator you fear.

You wouldn’t last two days.
So for those of you keeping score at home – locking down an American city: a proper reaction to the threat from one terrorist. A background check to prevent criminals or those with mental illness from purchasing guns: a dastardly attack on civil liberties. All of this would be almost darkly comic if not for the fact that more Americans will die needlessly as a result. Already, more than 30,000 Americans die in gun violence every year (compared to the 17 who died last year in terrorist attacks). LINK
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Totally, "a penis thing."

The manhunt for the two suspects in last week's bombing of the Boston Marathon has only just ended, but FBI and Boston law enforcement agencies are already being inundated by demands that they identify the exact weapons used by the Tsarnaev brothers during the bloody two-day battle that left one local police officer dead and wounded at least fifteen others. "It is wrong for law enforcement to keep this information to themselves," NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre said during a speech yesterday evening. "All across this nation, Americans have been waiting to hear which weapons were used by these terrorists so that our members can go purchase those same weapons. Withholding this information serves no purpose other than make it more difficult for these patriots to know which models of guns they should next be stocking up on."

NRA member Timothy Campbell of Dallas, Texas, says he has called Boston and MIT police departments over a dozen times since the murder of an MIT police officer last Thursday, but neither department has been willing to release the exact brands and models of guns used. While many cite fears that guns like the ones used in acts of terrorism or mass murder will be targeted for stricter regulation or even banning by the government, Campbell, an avid gun collector, says he recognizes that the odds that access to such weapons would be restricted are "essentially zero," he still is eager to purchase the guns as soon as the Tsarnaev weapons are identified. "I don't really know why I want to own them so bad," he said during an interview conducted this morning. "I guess it's probably a penis thing." LINK
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Pat Toomey: Background Checks Died Because GOP Didn't Want To Help Obama
"In the end it didn’t pass because we're so politicized. There were some on my side who did not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done, just because the president wanted to do it,” [Republican Senator] Toomey admitted." LINK
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Some people, their forehead goes straight up above the eyes. Check out this slanty headed NRA pres. who got shorted on the frontal lobes. Got lots of mouth though:

33 per day. Know how many people were killed with guns in Japan in 2006, total? Two.


Might be the guns.
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

Post by Doug »

Related to the pro-gun use of U.K. crime statistics:

Crime in England and Wales has fallen by 8% over the past year according to statistics released today.

Most striking perhaps is the fact that this decline has occurred across so many categories of crime. Since 2012, here has been a 16% reduction in motor vehicle theft, a 15% decline in criminal damage and a 13% decline in robbery. In fact, the only category of crime to show an increase is theft from the person which rose by 8% to 107,471 police-recorded offences...

551 homicides (includes murder, manslaughter and infanticide) were reported in the year ending December 2012, a considerable drop on the previous year's total of 638. Homicides are now down to around half of the figure for 2001/2.

See here.
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Combined population of the six countries... Japan, UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Canada is: 380 million

Their total gun death = 532

The population of the US: 316 million

US total gun death: 11,101

That's 20.8 times greater, with a population 17% smaller.

Might be the guns.
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Short 1.5 minute Bill Hicks comedy bit on there being no connection between guns and gun crimes:


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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

Post by DarbyGloss »

Dardedar wrote:Image

Larger PDF image here: http://libcloud.s3.amazonaws.com/9/43/f ... 1_WaPo.pdf.

"Last year, there were about 12.1 million gun sales by licensed gun dealers who ran criminal background checks on buyers to weed out those who are prohibited from buying a gun, including felons, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill. The number of unlicensed sales last year is not known.
...Mayors Against Illegal Guns — founded by Mayor Bloomberg — estimates, based on federal data and past studies, that another 6.6 million guns were sold without background checks in 2012."
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... z2QgtHHPBh

Polling on Background checks:

Pew: 85%
"More than eight-in-ten gun owners support proposals to require background checks on private gun sales and at gun shows."
http://www.pewresearch.org/daily-number ... gun-sales/

The Quinnipiac University poll, conducted among 1,772 registered voters from Jan. 30-Feb. 4, showed that support among those living in a gun-owning household was almost equally high: 91 percent of those voters said they support universal background checks."
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-575 ... nd-checks/

"Ninety-two percent of Americans favor background checks for all potential gun buyers, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll."
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-34222_162-5 ... nd-checks/

"Nearly three quarters (74 percent) of NRA members supported requiring a background check system for all gun sales, according to a poll released Monday by Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. The survey found 89 percent of all Americans support the proposal."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the ... s_politics
The government should reinforce gun control. Because We've heard so many shooting incidents, especially in schools. Government also should pay more attention the school security and measures needed to be taken. Maybe install metal detecting gate at the entrance and have security guards.
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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New Report: Thousands of Individuals with Criminal Records Seek to Buy Guns Online



"... thousands of people already barred by existing Federal law from purchasing guns are flocking to the Internet to evade background checks and acquire guns illegally, with no questions asked.

The investigation – which examined online gun listings posted between February and May 2013 on the popular website Armslist.com – found that this single website could transfer more than 25,000 guns to individuals with criminal records just this year.

We examined 13,000 listings, matched contact information to criminal records, and found that at least 1 in 30 would-be gun-buyers had felony or domestic abuse records that barred them from purchasing or possessing guns."

http://www.demandaction.org/blog/2013-0 ... riminal-re
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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"Governor Reagan told reporters that afternoon that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” He called guns a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” In a later press conference, Reagan said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.”
http://www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... -back-yard
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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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NRA Caught Handing Out Newsletter Calling For Treason And Violent Revolution

The Wisconsin branch of the National Rifle Association sure did make a mess of things this past weekend. Not only was their lobbyist caught on tape bragging about how he controls the legislature, but the NRA was handing out copies of The Reality News, an extremist right-wing publication. But not only is it an extremist right-wing publication, it’s an extremist right-wing publication calling for armed revolt to topple the government.

Within the publication was a piece by Karl Koenigs titled, “What Would Davy Crockett Say?” In the article, he makes a call for armed revolt, to topple the democratically elected government of the United States, following with the imposition of a dictatorship, where he, and those who believe as he does, are the dictators.

A direct quote from the article:


Further in, to resolve the issues he sees with the system, his proposal offers this:
This is a most heinous disease that can only be cured by the constitutional De-Centralized power of our home country of Wisconsin restoring our “supreme Laws” on our Federal public servants within our borders; OR otherwise by a combo Civil/Re-Revolutionary War with the very same goal to restore the rule of OUR Laws on our elected non-elected and wannabe elected Republican and Democrat Federal servants through the refreshment of the Tree of Liberty by its natural manure. (sic)





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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Three Year-Old Shot Himself In The Head After Parents Left Gun On Kitchen Counter

"Children between the ages of 5 and 14 are eleven times more likely to die from an accidental gunshot than in other developed nations.
http://www.minnpost.com/second-opinion/ ... g-gun-home

...households with guns are far more dangerous than those without firearms. One study found that “the presence of a gun in the home was associated with a nearly fivefold risk of suicide . . . and an almost threefold risk of homicide.” According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “guns kept in the home are 43 times more likely to be used to kill someone known to the family than to be used to kill in self-defense.”

http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/1 ... n-counter/





"Saying we shouldn't toughen gun laws because we can't prevent stabbings is like saying
we shouldn't try to cure cancer because people also die of heart attacks." --Andy Borowitz





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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Re: Dar's Handy Dandy Gun Stat thread

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Americans now more likely to die from getting shot than in car accidents

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that Americans are now statistically more likely to be killed by a gun than in a car accident.

The Economist reported Friday that death by cars in this country is on the decline. Safety technology continues to improve, states and municipalities have enacted tougher seatbelt laws and fewer young people are driving, which means that streets and highways in the U.S. are safer than ever.

Deaths by gunshot, however, are on a slight increase in the U.S., meaning that currently, Americans are slightly more likely to be killed by bullets — whether through suicide, accidents or domestic violence — than in a road accident."

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/01/amer ... accidents/
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