The Climate Change Deniers need to consult a study done with a grant from the Koch Brothers regarding Climate Change
"....of course it did not turn out as the Koch's hoped......
Richard Muller, a physicist and climate change skeptic who founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project and his team of scientists, thanks to a Koch Brothers grant, were asked to pull together all the data available.
Based at the University of California-Berkeley, they gathered and merged a collection of 14.4 million land temperature observations from 44,455 sites across the world dating back to 1753. Previous data sets created by NASA, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Met Office and the University of East Anglia's climate research unit only went back to the mid-1800s and used a fifth as many weather station records.
The results...Per Dr. Mueller......"Our results show that the average temperature of the Earth's land has risen by 2.5F over the past 250 years, including an increase of 1.5 degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases,"
Unlike previous efforts, the temperature data from various sources was not homogenized by hand—a key criticism by climate skeptics. Instead, the statistical analysis was "completely automated to reduce human bias." The BEST team concluded that, despite their deeper analysis, their own findings closely matched the previous temperature reconstructions, "but with reduced uncertainty."
When the BEST project was announced last year, the prominent climate skeptic blogger Anthony Watts was consulted on the methodology. He stated at the time: "I'm prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong." However, tensions have since arisen between Watts and Muller."
More at ... ard-muller
Huff Po comment
And another:
1995: 50% sure that Global Warming (AGW) is caused by humans.
2001: 66% sure.
2007: 90% sure.
2013: 95% sure.
AGW was first proposed in 1896, was reintroduced in 1931, and by 1960 was widely understood. In the 1970's, over 60% of all climate science papers focused on Global Warming. By 1980, there was essentially no controversy in the Scientific community about this issue: action was warranted even THAT long ago. And if we'd taken action then, the cost phase of that action would be done - we'd already have transitioned to a green economy by now.
The 15 years it took from the time climatologists were sure AGW was real and the time IPCC was able to declare with 50% certainty that that was the case, was undoubtedly ANOTHER aspect of fossil-fuel money greasing palms. It's just not credible, by 1995, to be anything less than absolutely sure what was going on.
How does this play out in other IPCC predictions? Example: IPCC has NEVER had to lower its estimated of sea level rise by 2100. It's always had to INCREASE that estimate. Today, it estimates 3 feet, which was dated knowledge five years ago. The realistic estimate is 3-6 feet, and possibly higher."
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer