Copy of a fun little exchange I just had with a gun nut with some whacked out anarchism on top.
Bruce: "...we should not be placing restrictions on our first amendment rights"
So under your notion of "unlimited" First Amendment rights I should be able to call the Fire Department and tell them that your house is on fire right now?
And likewise, I should be able to call the police and tell them that I saw you commit a crime?
All rights are necessarily limited. That's why we have a SCOTUS to interpret when and how they are limited.
District of Col. v. Heller decision, Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the majority:
"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited," he stated. "The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
Bruce: "I believe that we hurt ourselves irreparably by censoring speech. As for the fire in the movie house argument, I find that it is not worth the sacrifice to speech. I do not know if you can have unlimited rights, but I would allow anyone to yell fire in a crowded movie house."
I notice you didn't answer my questions.
So, under these unlimited rights of free speech I should be able to publish and distribute material going on about you being a serial rapist or murderer or anything else I would like?
Do you ever stop to think about what you say?
The notion of unlimited rights for either the first or second make no sense. I've already referred to the absurdity of thinking speech can or should not be restricted, let's look at weapons.
Shoulder fired nuke missile (quite feasible by even today's technology never mind tomorrow's). Not allowed, never will be. RPG. Not allowed.
Stinger shoulder fired heat seeking missile. Not allowed.
Full auto machine guns. Not allowed or heavily restricted.
Bazooka, grenades, grenade launchers, flame throwers, Howitzers, Browning 50 cal's, etc. All banned or restricted for civilian use. There are hundreds of examples, these are just a few.
So is Bruce going to argue that the mentally or children should have unlimited access to all of the above?
Let's see just how deep his silly goes.
Bruce: "I did answer your questions, and I will again. You seem to be well acquainted with what I call the stupidity or asshole excuse, which is that if I am stupid or an asshole that should be so important that we actually inhibit valuable activities as a result. I think that we should try to get stupid people and assholes to understand that just because you can do certain things you should not do them because you should know better, so that we don't see a day when some asshole outlaws pencils because some asshole stabbed another asshole in the eye with it, and as a result pencils are considered to dangerous. As for you if you want to participate in any of these above mentioned activities feel free and be my guest.
Bruce: "I did answer your questions, and I will again.">>
Nope, didn't. So let me number them so you can respond to them directly:
1) So under your notion of "unlimited" First Amendment rights I should be able to call the Fire Department and tell them that your house is on fire right now?
2) And likewise, I should be able to call the police and tell them that I saw you commit a crime?
3) Under these unlimited rights of free speech I should be able to publish and distribute material going on about you being a serial rapist or murderer or anything else I would like?
4) Shoulder fired nuke missile, RPG, Stinger shoulder fired heat seeking missile, Full auto machine guns, bazooka, grenades, grenade launchers, flame throwers, Howitzers, Browning 50 cal's.
Is Bruce going to argue that the mentally or children should have unlimited access to all of the above?
Don't duck them this time.
Bruce: "Yes I did, you just need to read better. I will make it simple for you. To questions 1-5, YES. This is all spelled out under the stupidity and asshole argument. I applaud you with your vast knowledge of these types of people and their antics, and continued luck in the future. I did say again, and you can read this because it is right there that, "I do not know if we can have unlimited rights", however I do believe that it is worth looking into. I hope that is clear enough for you."
Bruce: "To questions 1-5, YES."
Excellent. So Bruce was stuck between the crazy and going with a limit on the crazy, and we went with the full bore crazy with extra cheese.
Bruce believes children and the mentally ill should have unfettered access to shoulder fired nuclear missiles.
Love it.
This is why no one takes, or can take you Right Wing Nuts seriously.
Bruce: "Well that is why we need brilliant people like you to look out for us. Good luck with stupidity and the assholes it seems to work for you. See ya"
Bruce: "that is why we need brilliant people like you to look out for us.">>
I could not agree more. And glad to do it.
And thanks for answering the questions. Most wing-nuts duck and run to avoid doubling down on the crazy.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer