May 2012 Freethinker Meeting

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May 2012 Freethinker Meeting

Post by Dardedar »

Hello freethinkers! It's time to get together for our May freethinker meeting this Saturday at the Fayetteville library.

Our main presentation will be with guest... Dr. Ellen Turner, who teaches biology at the Northwest Arkansas Community College. She will teach us about evolution with a very interesting interactive card game. Come ready to participate! We will swap cards with each other and prove that evolution works in a way you haven't experienced before. We can "mate," swap genes and learn how evolution creates new life forms all at the same time. This could be useful information next time you interact with a creationist. Come to our meeting and learn why.

We will talk about some recent local church/state entanglement issues, and why it's important to keep up on them and educate people about them.

Darrel will conduct an interactive debate workshop, Doug will cover a logical fallacy to avoid and we have a Moral Question of the Day that's a bit of a mind bender. We're still working on how to develop it....

Linda passed along a reminder that she'll have your tee shirt at the meeting if your ordered one, along with a few extras if you didn't. Better pick it up soon or we'll sell it again! (Just kidding)

The results of our $10,000 worth of prizes offered for the psychic tests conducted at the last meeting are posted here: viewtopic.php?p=25320#p25320

The clips we played at our last meeting are posted online here: viewtopic.php?p=25325#p25325

Also, the "Recovering From Religion Fayetteville Arkansas Chapter" will be having their meeting this Sunday at the Library, see the link on our Facebook wall:

By the way, we now have about 450 people on our email list. Welcome to all of the new folks and hope to see you at our Frisky Springtime Fayetteville Freethinker meeting on Saturday.

Meeting Details:

When: Saturday, May 26, 2012.

Where: The Fayetteville Public Library. 401 W. Mountain
St. (two blocks west of the town square). Library phone: 571-2222.

Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Room: The Walker Room, the main meeting room. Go in the front door, through the
lobby and go to your right. You can bring a snack or coffee from Arsaga's in the library lobby.


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Re: May 2012 Freethinker Meeting

Post by L.Wood »

Barring unforeseen difficulties I plan to be there with Regnat Populus petitions. Darrell mentioned I could gather signatures at half time.

website is
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Re: May 2012 Freethinker Meeting

Post by Dardedar »

Clips played at our May meeting:

"Faith: Pretending to know things you don't know" by Dr. Peter Boghossian:

Bigoted Church Member Defends Pastor Worley:

Local Pastor Calls For Death of... Homosexuals:

Symphony of Science - The Greatest Show on Earth! A music video about Evolution:
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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