graybear13 wrote:So science pretends that electrons are particles
Science recognizes the wave-particle duality of electrons.
graybear13 wrote:but I am not allowed to pretend they are vortexes of energy.
First, the word would be "vortices."
Second, I clearly cannot stop you from pretending whatever particularly stupid idea you care to pretend is true.
graybear13 wrote:There is no evidence that the electron is not a vortex.
Considering you can't even tell us what a vortex is without changing your mind, your statement is probably technically true. On the other hand, there is no evidence that the electron is not a glognork, either. But you don't believe that an electron is a glognork, so why would you believe that an electron is a vortex instead?
Of course, the point of my earlier statement was to point out not only that there is no reason to believe that the electron is not a fundamental "particle" but also that there is reason to believe that the electron
is a fundamental particle.
graybear13 wrote:The rest of the electronic organization story is how the electrons join together and create an atom.
Can you explain how negatively charged electrons can form the protons that we find in atoms? What about how electrons form the neutrons that we find in atoms? You have a fundamental charge issue that cannot be resolved.
graybear13 wrote:I talked about this before, how vortexes would join together and accumulate energy at a central point creating a + charge and a nucleus.
Just because you "talked about" it doesn't mean that you had an explanation that didn't require mental illness to accept as true. Frankly, it seems that you still can't make up your mind. First the vortices create negative charges, then the vortices create positive charges.
graybear13 wrote:This is the prediction of my experiment
What experiment? Have you conducted an experiment? Have you even designed an experiment? Even if you don't have access to the materials and equipment required, how would you propose to execute this experiment?
graybear13 wrote:... powerful enough to create its own gravity.
You still haven't proposed a mechanism for this happening.
graybear13 wrote:join two of these vortexes together creating a shere of intense energy confirming that creation is indeed ultimatons collapsing into electrons.
I can hardly wait until you complete this experiment and share the results.