May 2011 Freethinker Meeting - Climate

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May 2011 Freethinker Meeting - Climate

Post by Dardedar »

It's the end of May and time for another meeting of the Fayetteville Freethinkers!

The world didn't end after all, so we're still in business (more on that at the meeting).

We have news and pictures from our Springfest booth, and will formally introduce our new publication.

As you may know, the very first item on our list of "What do the Fayetteville Freethinkers do?" is, "Promote the scientific method and science education." And that is precisely what we are going to do. Our May meeting will focus on the science of climate, and climate change. We've put this off long enough.

Our main presentation will be by climatology expert Dr. Malcolm Cleaveland.


He is a Professor in the department of Geosciences at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Cleaveland's interests include the origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres and examination of the great differences between the Earth, Venus, and Mars as a way of determining important influences that shape planetary environments. His presentation is entitled:

"Climate Change: Coming to a Planet Near You"

After the break, Darrel will give a presentation addressing how us non-experts can wade through the steady stream of "controversy" and confusion that has been stirred up on this issue. He will also show how the non-experts can quickly research and check many of these claims for ourselves. Bring your questions and concerns about this issue; we will have trained experts standing by.

After skipping our meeting for Springfest last month, we have even more funny/profound clips you do not want to miss!

Meeting Details:

When: Saturday, May 28, 2010.

Where: The Fayetteville Public Library. 401 W. Mountain
St. (two blocks west of the town square). Library phone: 571-2222.

Time: 2:00 - 4:45 pm

Room: The Walker Room, the main meeting room. Go in the front door,
through the lobby and go to your right. You can bring a snack or coffee from
Arsaga's in the library lobby.


We'll go for dinner afterward at... a place decided at the meeting.

Questions? Drop us an email
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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Re: May 2011 Freethinker Meeting - Climate

Post by Dardedar »

Clips we played at our May meeting:

After the Rapture

32,000 scientists

Camping admits prophecy failure

How to beat your wife

Sharia Law - She's buried chest high (warning, disturbing content)

We had 45 attend our May meeting.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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