Joe, all of your claims are rebutted at the links already provided above in this very thread. All you have to do is have the courage to read them, and also the courage and ability to grasp new information that disagrees with your low watt conspiracy mindset. I don't think you're up for it. A couple pokes:
There are countless pieces of information that we could look at to weaken the official story,
Unfortunately, they're all crap, just like what you've posted here.
Joeknows wrote:You don't hit something on its upper half, and then have its entire base disappear out from under it.
Actually you do. That's how gravity works. Things fall down, and when they're real heavy they fall straight down.
The progressive collapse of the floors onto each other was near perfection for the top floor to fall nearly at the speed of gravity until it reached the ground.
Again, your claim is completely flatten at the link provided two posts above yours. ... ade_later/
Mark Pasio actually works out the math"
Mark Pasio is a conspiracy bullshit artist and a foo foo meister who I have no reason to belief can work out the math without using his fingers and toes. The fellow I provided at the above link, who "works out the math" has the following credentials:
"Dave Thomas, a physicist and mathematician, is president of New Mexicans for Science and Reason and a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is currently a scientist/programmer at IRIS/PASSCAL in Socorro, New Mexico, and also teaches classes in physics, psychology, and critical thinking at New Mexico Tech."
upward resistance per floor would have met the downward force of the collapse and caused its fall to take longer.
Dave Thomas says he's exactly wrong. I'm gonna go with him.
But the time it took to collapse reveals almost NO resistance,...
You're wrong.
How did it pancake SO perfectly and not slide off towards one side or another
Where's the magical force that would push it sideways?
Why weren't there any sizable pieces afterwards
Actually there were.
And not only did it defy the laws of the universe to fall so fast without resistance,... [blah blah blah]
Anyway, as I said, I really don't think you have the mental horsepower for the task. You just want to believe foo foo nonsense because it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. Boring.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer