Glad to have helped you sort that out VP. Of course if you have been to our meetings, as you say you have, then you are well aware that we do a great deal more than laugh at the Christians (although we would certainly be remiss if we didn't point out some of their worst absurdities with good humor). Also, you might want to note that it would be a fallacious logic to presume that the behavior of any group, could in any way be evidence of "a higher power." That logic doesn't follow. Best to avoid fallacies when reasoning about such things.-- On Fri, 4/29/11, [V.P.] wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. and after being around freethinkers, I am thinking maybe there is a higher power,freethinkers are not helping other people and all they do is make fun and laugh at the christians, which put them no better than the christians..Thanks for your help in making my mind up..V.P.
I offered for you to take the lead in organizing some kind of "helping people" effort, but apparently you don't have any interest in that. Rather curious behavior for a person supposedly so interested in helping others don't you think VP?
Perhaps you were looking for a "church lite" group. You might give the Unitarians a visit. They're very nice, and they don't make fun of Christians.
Excerpt from our new booklet:
"Freethinkers are like goats; they’re quick and alert and they don’t take any guff.
They stand up for their beliefs, fight for what is right, and may give you a horn in
the ribs if they see you getting off-track and being led around like a sheep.
The dictionary defines a sheep-like person as:
“3. a meek, unimaginative, or easily led person”
Freethinkers say: Be a goat, don’t be a sheep!"