To open this post, I will quote nothing but Hogeye's claims and
just the opening sentence of message (plus emphasis) that I sent him.
Hogeye Bill wrote:Sav, I’m still not sure what forum rules I supposedly violated.
Savonarola, in a private message, wrote:Despite being warned about derailing threads for the purposes of discussing anarchy, you have once again hijacked the Political Quotes thread.
Hogeye Bill wrote:I published an email message admitting I might be banned for content;
Savonarola, in a private message, wrote:Despite being warned about derailing threads for the purposes of discussing anarchy, you have once again hijacked the Political Quotes thread.
Hogeye Bill wrote:You have yet to state what specific forum rule I allegedly broke.
Savonarola, in a private message, wrote:Despite being warned about derailing threads for the purposes of discussing anarchy, you have once again hijacked the Political Quotes thread.
To pretend that he was banned for
content instead of for
derailing and hijacking threads is the height of lunacy. None of his content has ever been deleted.
Hogeye wrote:I suggested to someone that it is bad form to hijack a thread,
But both active moderators made the determination that the post in question was not a hijack.
Hogeye wrote:and was accused of impersonating a moderator.
Because he was. It was ludicrous for Hogeye, the only person we've ever had who made a habit of hijacking threads, to pretend that he had any ability to distinguish between what was hijacking and what was not. It would be just as ludicrous for the moderators to pretend that
Hogeye's telling people what is acceptable would be acceptable. There is a process for a user to request moderator action, and the directive to do so is elucidated in the forum rules. Hogeye knows this because he did it once; he requested that I move a thread, and I agreed with his assessment. Therefore, he was aware of this forum rule and opted to violate it.
Hogeye wrote:the email evidence was deleted
It was deleted from public viewing because it is standard practice not to post private messages from other people. Regardless, now I -- the original author -- have publicly posted the sentence in question, so that Hogeye will no longer be able to make these asinine claims that he was not notified of having broken rules, was not notified of in which cases he broke rules, and was banned for content.
Hogeye wrote:and the banned for content threat denied.
I do not remember denying such a thread, but I can see that I might considering there was already an active thread addressing the same topic: the one I linked in my previous post here. There was no reason to start another in the first place. Furthermore, the second sentence in the aforementioned message was:
Savonarola, in a private message, wrote:The fact that I have split your post into a new thread does not negate the fact that it violated the conditions you have agreed to follow with your participation.
Because I split his post, it is unreasonable for Hogeye to think that derailing/hijacking was not -- at the very least -- one problem. Because I did not delete the post, it is unreasonable for Hogeye to think that he was being penalized for content.
For the record: My entire private message to him was forwarded by me to Darrel for independent review upon the lodging of the complaint.
Typically, when acting as Mod@Large, I'll close by expressing appreciation for cooperation, as I repeatedly did when asking Hogeye to conform to the rules. The extent to which his behavior had exceeded acceptability is indicated by how I ended the message in question:
Savonarola, in a private message, wrote:Your cooperation is no longer simply appreciated, it is mandatory in order to retain your status as a user.
Darrel wrote:But even more important than the above goal, is that we be able to have a working, functional forum where normal local folks, including nice little old ladies (or me), can post something without being yelled at with some warmed over knee jerk anti-government anti-"statist" anarcho cult screed.
Hogeye wrote:At least Darrel is honest enough to admit he wants me banned for content rather than breaking forum rules.
Notice that Hogeye is engaging in selective reading. Instead of paying any attention to the point of having "normal local folks" post something without it being turned into a screed on a different topic, Hogeye sees only the mention of content. This is exactly the same fallacy he has willfully made (and repeated) regarding my private message.
Hogeye's claims have no basis in reality.