One of his regular guests was a fellow named Matt Lerch. Frank called him one of the "most knowledgeable people in the area" on the UN (all conspiracy claptrap). Here is an excerpt from my handout sheet (which accompanied the CD and debunked the audio clips from the show). The numbers are for the tracks on the CD. This gives you a good taste of the insanity.
DAR(3) Sept ’03 UN Free Zone spokesperson Matt Lerch provides a typical source for much of his material that follows. A “non-descript person” from a “Yahoo newsgroup” who he thinks is being interviewed by a “Mr. C.”
(5) Sept. ’03 Matt Lerch claims UN troops will round us up to concentration camps, with one million foreign troops in the US right now. 2,000 Russian tanks seen unloaded in Mississippi. We can look forward to North Korean troops walking down business 71 arresting and executing people.
(6) That Sounds bad. Realize these claims come from such reliable sources such as a “non-descript” “Mr. C” speaking in a “Yahoo newsgroup.”
(9) Sept. ’03 Matt Lerch claims FEMA only spends 3-4 million on disaster relief and the rest goes to build concentration camps which you stay in “until you die or get executed.”
Reality: No evidence for this assertion provided, just consider the source. Frank calls Mr. Lerch the most knowledgeable person about the UN, in the area. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was created to help Americans when large disasters occur and they have helped millions of Americans. Take a look at where over $721 million of their 2001 budget went:
These are very paranoid people. Why am I mentioning this now? The evening news just had segment on how Mr. Matt Lerch is holed up in his house, with a gun, on Lake Sequoyah Dr. in Fayetteville. He shot at his wife, she left. Now he's shooting at police. Swat teams are there, the mayor is there, the whole bit.
News article:
According to Today's THV's sister station, KFSM, Fayetteville police, along with SWAT team members are several hours into a standoff with a shooting suspect they say has barricaded himself into his home.
Police say 34-year-old Matthew Lerch is armed, and has both a pistol and a shotgun in his house.
Fayetteville Police say at 10:42 this morning they received a call from a woman claiming to be the wife of Lerch.
According to police, Lerch's wife told them they were having a verbal argument this morning that escalated. She allegedly told police he shot at her, and she left the home, alerting police.
When police and the Washington County Sheriff's Department arrived on the scene, they found Lerch had barricaded himself inside his home, and would not respond to law enforcement's efforts to make contact with him. Instead, they say Lerch fired several shots from the home.
Police have evacuated neighbors and have blocked off the street to residents and drivers. Police say they have set up a wide perimeter around the home that includes SWAT Team surveillance, paramedics, and the Fayetteville Fire Department.
Police say as a result of threats made by Lerch concerning possibly using the gas in his home as an explosive, gas lines have been cut to the home and surrounding houses.
At this time, police do not have a motive for Lerch's actions, but do say they have been called to his home before when Lerch attempted suicide last year. They say his wife told them Lerch is on medication for mental stability and had not been taking his medication, over the holidays.
Because police say they do not believe this is a hostage situation, right now it's a waiting game, and they're hoping Lerch will exit his home on his own, without force.
Police say the Lerchs have several small children, but could not confirm that the children were inside the home or not.
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