"Some christians in America burn a Quran and muslims in Afghanistan threaten to kill soldiers in protest. A war general has to get on television to ask the christians not to go forward with the burning and the christian pastor says he'll pray on it and see what god says. Muslims want to build a community center near ground zero that will include a prayer room and christians in Tennessee set fire to a Mosque that was under construction.
A cartoonist draws a picture of Mohammed and gets beheaded by muslims for his efforts. Meanwhile, the Vatican is complicit in shielding pedophile priests from the law, women are being stoned to death, albino children in Africa have to go in to hiding because they are considered 'witches', abortion doctors are being killed, there are still honor killings and female genital mutilation and in America you have tens of thousands of people attend an event to hear a xenophobic, racist, shock jock tell them that in order to "restore honor' to America, America must first 'turn to god'.
The next time someone asks me why, as an atheist, am I so interested in religion and what religious people do, well, this is why. And these are just a few examples of how religion continues to dominate the social and political landscape of America and the rest of the world. My god is better than your god, your religion is evil and mine is not, blah, blah, blah, blech!! I don't believe in ANY of those religions and their fairytales and yet I am forced to have to deal with whatever consequences come from their insanity because I live in a world where there are more people who believe in magic flying horses and virgin births and magic underwear than there are people who believe in science and reason and logic. We, as a civilazation, are so screwed."
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"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer