Bill Bennet gets nuked by Jon Stewart on gay marriage issue

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Bill Bennet gets nuked by Jon Stewart on gay marriage issue

Post by Dardedar »


Four minute clip of Jon Stewart stomping the daylights out of Bill Bennet on the gay marriage issue. Not all of the segment, but enough to give a good taste. Bennet's voice was shaking. Simply beautiful: ... rriage.wmv



“51 percent of Americans disapprove of gay marriage, but 70 percent disapprove of the president, so gay marriage is actually more popular than Bush." -- Jay Leno

Limbaugh, yesterday:

"This Haditha story, this Haditha incident, whatever, this is it folks, this is the final big push on behalf of the Democratic Party, the American left, and the Drive-By Media to destroy our effort to win the war in Iraq. That’s what Haditha represents — and they are going about it gleefully. They are ecstatic about it… Folks, let me just put it in graphic terms. It is going to be a gang rape. There is going to be a gang rape by the Democratic Party, the American left and the Drive-By Media, to finally take us out in the war against Iraq. Make no bones about it."
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

I'm not surprised that gay marriage is more popular than W - it's surprising to me that W has a disapproval rating of only 70%. Considering what "we" have been up to in Gitmo & Abu (and other places we don't know the names of), it's interesting that Limbaugh would bring up gang rape.

It still confuses the heck out of me how gay marriage is supposed to threaten straight marriage. But then, it's always confused me how equal pay for women is supposed to threaten men's jobs. As best I can come up with is the straight, fundie, male ego has got to be the most sensitive concept out there. Come anywhere near it and it starts screaming about being attacked.
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Post by Hogeye »

Barbara wrote:It still confuses the heck out of me how gay marriage is supposed to threaten straight marriage.
Right; if anything the opposite is the case. It is quite common for gay men to marry hetero women as a cover. There's even a name for such a wife - a "beard." To the extent that gay marriage would reduce this practice, it would strengthen straight marriage.

My position on the gay marriage issue is (of course): separation of marriage and State. The State should have nothing to do with marriage. But the statist quo is governments setting up a caste system giving legal privilege to certain favored couples.
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