DARDarrel> You agree that most people agree her group is cult like. I'm not sure why you use the past tense.
Because she is no longer living - she died in 1982. Her cult-like "collective" no longer exists - it ceased operation in the late 1970s.
Nonsense. Jesus, if he lived at all, died around 30 CE, yet his cult didn't really get going until centuries later. When a cult leader dies has nothing whatsoever to do with whether the cult is alive and well. There are many Ayn Rand goose-steppers alive and well today.
DARDarrel> Better than that, I provided two links where very strong evidence is shown that this is the case.
Hogeye> There you go again with your poisoning the well. You provided zero evidence that we have different theories of moral culpability.
I have only a foggy idea of what you may or may not think is moral or not. I was simply agreeing with your assertion that you may have a "different theory of moral culpability than". Good grief.
DARInstead you attempt to disparage the arguer by shouting "cult, cult!",
I make no apologies for getting a little dig in on the Ayn Rander's who are (current day) so cultish even you admit: "Most would agree that her Objectivist group was cult-like." And note, it still is.
DARwhich of course is totally irrelevant.
Please note that not every point I make in a paragraph will necessarily be entirely relevant to every other point made. These things will happen, regularly.
DARWho cares about a cult that died decades ago?
What a bizarre notion, the idea that a cult dies just because the leader does. I have been studying cults for decades and that idea is just ridiculous.
DARthe way she ran her group has no bearing on the validity of her philosophy.
Or as I would prefer to put it, the invalidity of it.
DARMy argument:
Clinton ordered bombings in Serbia.
Insert evidence here:
DARNon-combatants died as a result.
I'll give you that one, perhaps.
DARThe predictable killing of non-combatants is immoral.
You forgot to provide any evidence for your claim. Are you of the opinion that simply making assertions is enough to establish your claims? You will have to do a little better than that. Provide evidence, be specific.
Thought experiment: can you think of any exceptions to your claim?
DARErgo, Clinton is a mass murderer.
Is there the potential for any level, nuance or degree of "evil" possible in your thinking of such matters? Can you think of any examples were it might be a better outcome to take the action of stopping a genocide which causes an immense amount of evil and suffering, even if that action causes some lesser yet necessary evil and suffering? Or is it just all black and white all the time with you?
DARDarrel>I can certainly think of instances in which groups can rightfully aggress/intervene against others (i.e. instances of rape rooms, genocide, ethnic cleansing etc.)
Hogeye >
Huh? Are you claiming that the rapists are not aggressing???
Quite the opposite. If you paid a little closer attention you would know that I was referencing the rape rooms I mentioned in the fourth post in this thread. Here it is again:
During the next three and a half years, Bosnian Serb forces, with the support of Milosevic in Belgrade, laid waste to large parts of Bosnia, killing more than 200,000 civilians and forcing half the population, two million people, to flee their homes. Tens of thousands of women were systematically raped. Concentration camps were set up in Prijedor, Omarska, Trnopolje, and other areas. Civilians were shot by snipers on a daily basis in Sarajevo, a city left without heat, electricity, or water.
Radovan Karadzic, a psychiatrist and poet originally from Montenegro, became president of the Bosnian Serb Republic, with Ratko Mladic as his military commander. Both have since been twice indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for their command role in genocide.
It seems to me that the moral thing to do to stop such atrocities would be to take action to stop them, even if that action necessarily resulted in the deaths of some non-combatants. It seems to me that it would not be moral to stand by and do nothing since that in itself could cause more evil and suffering. So it's a bit of a gray thing, not a black/white thing. That often happens with moral issues.
I did a quick search and found this from a human rights watch group:
"The Pentagon has suggested that only twenty to thirty incidents resulted in civilian deaths during Operation Allied Force. The Yugoslav government has claimed that NATO was responsible for at least 1,200 and as many as 5,000 civilian deaths."
Both sides are probably fudging it so it might be somewhere in between.
DARBy the standard definition: the perpetrators of rape/genocide are aggressors; those that retaliate against these aggressors are not.
Very good. Then according to you, Clinton, in taking action against the mass rape and genocide committed by the Serbians, was not the aggressor.
DARAgain, initiation is critical.
Right, the Serbians initiated, the west, europe & NATO retaliated. I am quite sure they had better things to do.
DARIf Clinton had killed only genocidal rapists rather than innocent non-combatants, then he would not have killed immorally, and would not be a murderer.
I am sure if he could have pushed a button and had it all work out that way he would have. The world is a little more messy than that.
DARBut in fact he bombed civilian areas knowing full well he would kill innocents.
Actually, he wouldn't have made any of those decisions. He, through NATO and the UN made the decision to go forward and take actions to stop the agressive mass genocide and systematic rape of Muslims by the Christian Serbs. In doing so he would have known that there would probably be non-combatant deaths. He probably would have also guessed that there would be some US military deaths from the action (there weren't). Sometimes you pick the lesser of two evils. In retrospect, his actions and decsisions very likely saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives and incomprehensible suffering. So in reality (not Ozarkia), the title of mass murderer would more aptly be bestowed upon him if he had done nothing to stop the aggressor Serbs.