Political Quotes of the Day

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »


**Actual Romney quote.
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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Teabag Party Douches:

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

"The Republicans basically re-fought the McGovern/Nixon campaign in 2008. In short, the GOP never even seriously competed for the votes of those under 35, and seems completely bewildered by the failure of these voters to associate Obama with the Black Panther Party, for example.

Until that elderly demographic shuffles off this mortal coil, the Republicans are anchored to the doomed Culture War, much like marooned Japanese soldiers who fought on without knowing the conflict was already over. And they will continue to appear irrelevant and somewhat comical to younger voters, even if Obama's popularity wanes." --Todd Dugdale
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »


Bartcop quote:

"If you were a real conservative, you wouldn't want the government to choose your religion for you.
If you were a real Christian, you'd want to chose your own religion, Dumbass!"
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

"...we exhale CO2. If it were a poison, if it were something, we would -- it wouldn't be part of the way we stay alive."
--A quick science lesson from Professor Limbaugh, today.
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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The panel was about the future of filmmaking, but that didn’t mean anyone had to like what they saw. “I’m a guy who doesn’t see anything good having come from the Internet,” said Sony Pictures Entertainment chief executive officer Michael Lynton. “Period.”

At a breakfast cohosted by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University and The New Yorker Thursday, Lynton wasn’t just trying for a laugh: He complained the Internet has “created this notion that anyone can have whatever they want at any given time. It’s as if the stores on Madison Avenue were open 24 hours a day. They feel entitled. They say, ‘Give it to me now,’ and if you don’t give it to them for free, they’ll steal it.”

Co-panelist Nora Ephron, who started her career in print, said the Internet has had a greater effect on “our beloved print than it’s had on the movie business.” But, she conceded, “We’re in the last days of copyright, if you want to be grim about it….Stop it. I dare you.”
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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On Justice Roberts:

"After four years on the Court, however, Roberts’s record is not that of a humble moderate but, rather, that of a doctrinaire conservative. The kind of humility that Roberts favors reflects a view that the Court should almost always defer to the existing power relationships in society. In every major case since he became the nation’s seventeenth Chief Justice, Roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative, and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff. Even more than Scalia, who has embodied judicial conservatism during a generation of service on the Supreme Court, Roberts has served the interests, and reflected the values, of the contemporary Republican Party."

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Savonarola »

Darrel wrote:"After four years on the Court ....
Did anyone expect anything different?
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) has long been one of the most outspoken global warming skeptics in the Congress.

This morning, on C-SPAN, he... explained that there shouldn't be any concern about carbon-dioxide emissions because CO2 is relatively harmless:

"I'm creating it as I talk to you. It's in your Coca-Cola. your Dr. Pepper and your Perrier water. It's necessary for human life. It's odorless, colorless, tasteless, doesn't cause cancer, doesn't cause asthma. There's nobody that's ever been admitted to a hospital because of CO2 poisoning."

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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Glen Beck's show tried to sandbag Barney Frank with some anti-ACORN nonsense. Frank had his way with the guy, as follows:

Frank: As you know, the Bush administration, every year of the eight years of the Bush administration gave them well over a million dollars for housing counseling, and nobody has shown me any sign that any of that federal money was misspent. You know, I think people are being somewhat unfair to President Bush and his secretaries of HUD who consistently funded ACORN for, as I said, for a total of about 14 million dollars during the Bush years. If someone has evidence that the money that President Bush made available was misspent -- that's what I have jurisdiction over, I don't have jurisdiction over election activities by another ACORN organization -- but if anyone has any evidence, and no one has sent it to me yet, that the Bush administration ignored the misspending of that $14 million, I'll look into it.

Griff: Yes, sir, but would you hold hearings or an investigation ...?

Frank: I think you're being very unfair to President Bush. C & L

And if you want to see Beck get busted for lying, watch this clip from The View.

"You did lie! What do you mean, I'm 'accusing' you? You sat there and you were a lying sack o' dog mess."
-- Whoopie Goldberg to Glen Beck
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Dissent Is as American as Cherry Pie

"I began my meeting with Condi by noting that the administration seemed to be building momentum toward going to war with Iraq and that I harbored serious doubts about the wisdom of doing so. I reminded her that I knew something about this issue given my background in the Middle East (I didn't mention Oberlin in particular but maybe I should have) and my role in the previous Bush administration, where I was the senior Middle East advisor to President George H.W. Bush during the Gulf war. So I asked her directly, "Are you really sure you want to make Iraq the centerpiece of the administration's foreign policy?"

I was about to follow up with other questions when Condi cut me off. "You can save your breath, Richard. The president has already made up his mind on Iraq." The way she said it made clear that he had decided to go to war.

This was eight months before the March 2003 start of the conflict."

Richard N. Haass
President of the Council on Foreign Relations
Posted: May 25, 2009

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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"Colin Powell hit back at Dick Cheney and other critics over the president's plan to close Guantanamo Bay on Sunday. Scoffing at the notion that U.S. jails couldn't house suspected terrorists, he said that the facility has become a blight on America's image.

In an appearance on CBS' "Face the Nation," the former Secretary of State noted that he had called for Gitmo's closure for "the past six years," and argued that the former vice president's defense of the detention center put him at odds even with his former boss.

"Mr. Cheney is not only disagreeing with President Obama's policy, he is disagreeing with President Bush's policy. President Bush stated repeatedly to international audiences and to the country that he wanted to close Guantanamo."

"This business about making the country less safe by bringing these people to our prison system, we have got two million people in jail in America, the highest incarceration rate in the world. And they all had lawyers. They all had access to the writ of habeas corpus and they're all in jail. I don't know... if you've ever seen some of these prison reality shows on television where they show you what a super lock-up is. I'm not terribly worried about one of these guys going to a super lock-up."

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Doug »

Darrel wrote:I was about to follow up with other questions when Condi cut me off. "You can save your breath, Richard. The president has already made up his mind on Iraq." The way she said it made clear that he had decided to go to war.
This was eight months before the March 2003 start of the conflict."
No kidding. Bush wanted to go into Iraq even before 9/11. his insiders knew that. This is a matter of public record now. After 9/11, on 9/12, he asked Richard Clark to find a way to pin 9/11 on Saddam Hussein. Clark protested that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush told him to "find a way." This is also a matter of public record. Six months later, Bush said (twice) in a press conference that he didn't care about bin Laden and that bin Laden was not that important. He stated that he didn't really think about bin Laden very much.

1836 Texas: "Remember the Alamo!"
WWI: "Remember the Lusitania!"
WWII: "Remember Pearl Harbor!"
Bush 2002: "Forget Osama bin Laden!"
"We could have done something important Max. We could have fought child abuse or Republicans!" --Oona Hart (played by Victoria Foyt), in the 1995 movie "Last Summer in the Hamptons."
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Ode To The Deceitful Cheneys
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There once was a daughter named Liz
Who joined in the family biz.
The business was lying,
With all members vying
For liar-in-chief — each a wiz.
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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Back in the '90's I wondered why no one was doing much in response to the constant stream of nonsense Limbaugh was spewing. Now, media matters listens and debunks his show each day, on the fly. You can sign up to receive these free. They send you three emails a day, one for each hour. I usually don't read them anymore, having no interest in his opinion, but I do read the titles of the email and am reminded and comforted by the fact that these fine folks take the time to expose and dismantle his lies every, single, day. And that is as it should be.

Yesterday's email titles:

Hour 1: Limbaugh Reacts To Sotomayor Nomination: "Horrible," "Hack," "Disaster" Nominee Who Should "Fail"

Hour 2: Limbaugh Continues Assault On Sotomayor: "You Can't Do Worse Than This"

Hour 3: Limbaugh "Proud" That He Called Sotomayor A "Reverse Racist"
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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Another Ralph Peters idea: Eventually, soldiers will need to start killing the media too

"Pretending to be impartial, the self-segregating personalities drawn to media careers overwhelmingly take a side, and that side is rarely ours. Although it seems unthinkable now, future wars may require censorship, news blackouts and, ultimately, military attacks on the partisan media. Perceiving themselves as superior beings, journalists have positioned themselves as protected-species combatants. But freedom of the press stops when its abuse kills our soldiers and strengthens our enemies. Such a view arouses disdain today, but a media establishment that has forgotten any sense of sober patriotism may find that it has become tomorrow’s conventional wisdom."

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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Limbaugh daily blather:

Hour 1: Limbaugh Compares Sotomayor Nomination To Nominating David Duke

Hour 2: Limbaugh Questions Sen. Cornyn's Conservative Credentials

Hour 3: Limbaugh Refers To Native Americans As "Clowns"

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Q: When you hear President Obama talk about nominating someone to the court who has empathy and real-world experience, do you understand what he means?

Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions: "I don't know what he means. And it's dangerous, because I don't know what empathy means."

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Re: Political Quotes of the Day

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"O'Reilly is being incredibly disingenuous when he claims that he bears no responsibility for others' actions in the killing of Dr. George Tiller on Sunday. When you tell an audience of millions over and over again that someone is an executioner, you cannot feign surprise when someone executes that person.

You cannot claim to hold no responsibility for what other people do when you call for people to besiege Tiller's clinic, as O'Reilly did in January 2008. And this was after Tiller had been shot in both arms and after his clinic had been bombed.

O'Reilly knew that people wanted Tiller dead, and he knew full well that many of those people were avid viewers of his show. Still, he fanned the flames. Every time I appeared on his show, I received vitriolic and hate-filled e-mails. And if I received those messages directly, I can only imagine what type of feedback O'Reilly receives. He knows that his words incite violence.

That is why I made a personal pledge to no longer sit across from him after he called for people to converge on Tiller's clinic. I realized that appearing on the show with him would only legitimize his speech and that no good would come of my efforts."

Mary Alice Carr: Why I Turned Down O'Reilly
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