Fox News Mocks the Canadian Military

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Fox News Mocks the Canadian Military

Post by Dardedar »


"The spectacularly stupid and offensive Fox News show Red Eye with host Greg Gufeld (above) sunk to new depths this week by belittling a neighbor and ally in the so-called war on terrorism. Although Canada opted out of involvement in Iraq, they have been in Afghanistan since 2002. Originally slated to leave in 2009, the Canadian government has extended the Afghan mission to 2011. At least one of the guests claimed he didn't know Canadian forces were in Afghanistan, which is typical of the expertise on the show. Certainly, conservative radio host Monica Crowley wasn't out of place.

An ill-considered and ill-timed bit of idiocy it was too, as yesterday four Canadian soldiers were killed and eight wounded near Kandahar."

See the clip here.


Canada's involvement in Afghanistan "has produced the largest number of fatal casualties for any single Canadian military mission since the 25th Canadian Brigade served in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. Canada has suffered the third-highest absolute number of deaths of any nation among the foreign military participants." [wiki] The number killed so far: 120 including four more on Friday. Adjusted per capita, this is like the US losing 1,200 (the US has had 667 casualties in Afghanistan).

This clip is getting a lot of play in Canada where about 58% of the population is against extending the mission in Afghanistan. Fighting in this war has cost Canada about $22 billion.

Some choice quotes from C & L's comment thread:

Sun, 03/22/2009 - 12:22 — Stupid Git

First, they feminize the entire Canadian military:

"Andrew Leslie, an unusual name for a man"

"do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous capri white capri pants"

"They're getting manicures, pedicures..."

Then insult the entire Canadian nation:

"We have police officers, they have mounties"

"This is not a smart country."

Then make this claim:

America is the "Most powerful country in the universe"

Who the hell are these idiots?!
Prime example of why the U.S. is thought of as ignorant & absurdly arrogant by many in the rest of the world. Sure we know better...that the majority of Americans are thoughtful & humane, but these jerks certainly aren't helping their country.
I only hope that any of my fellow Canadians who have lost loved ones in the war in Afghanistan do not happen upon this clip.

now im getting pissed.
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 12:19 — Original Col Kilgore

As a proud Canuck , i am increasingly distressed that our kids are there, at all, and dying in greater numbers lately too. It even bothers me more due to my beliefs in the event (911) that sent them there in the first place. I support the troops but have no faith in the mission now. I disliked the Taliban the minute they started blowing up 2000 year old artifacts long before 911. The world is full of repressive and crazy regimes. I just cant see any benefit to Canada to stay there a minute longer. I know the individual soldier will get a certain amount of satisfaction out of helping some of the people there but it seems like a bottomless pit of despair otherwise.
Letting right wing freaks belittle our efforts and blood wont do much to endear the Canadian public anyways. Some of these people need to get out and stand, along the " Highway Of Heros " in Ontario, in the freezing fucking cold as our fallen are brought home to rest. There will be thousands of people out this week too as our latest fallen heros are brought home. People routinely line the road and bridges to pay their respects en masse for every soldier. As far as the fighting spirit of Canadians? You might want to ask the German SS Panzer groups we decimated after D Day.

taking up the slack
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 12:22 — nylund

I'm American, but I spent a few years in Canada (just moved back to the US), and I met a number of Canadian soldiers who serve(d) in Afghanistan. They worked their asses off in one of the most violent parts of the country, and when the US moved their priorities to Iraq, it was the Canadians that stepped up and took over operations in the most violent regions.

They've been handling a majority of the hard fighting in "the good war" and you'd think that even the Fox types could appreciate that.

A Fallen Canadian Returns...
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 12:41 — BetteB

The idiocy of the FOX people is just too much to even respond to. Instead, I'd ask all our allies, American, Brits and others the world over who are reading here, to watch what happens when we bring a fallen soldier home. This clip shows it.

There are 50 bridges over the Highway of Heroes, between Trenton and Toronto. And every one of them is crowded with people when our fallen soldiers pass by -- cops, firefighters, old veterans and folks of all ages standing silently and waving flags -- we salute our guys and honor their service and their passing. They paid the price for all of us. Four more will be coming home tomorrow. The bridges will be jammed with people. That makes about 118 or so since this war started that have taken the final trek on the Highway of Heroes.

We got into this war on behalf of Americans - when they were threatened and attacked on 9-11. We are allies of the US. We stayed in Afghanistan after the US pulled most of their troops out to concentrate on Iraq, and we're still there doing the dirtiest of work. And dying too.

Those people at FOX should be ashamed.

Sun, 03/22/2009 - 12:41 — Trittydi

I am so terribly sorry to see and know about this. It shames me as an American that this has happened.

I hope most Canadians know that "Faux Newz" doesn't speak for normal, sane and intelligent Americans. That they are a propaganda arm of the re-Thuglic Party and only represent the lunatic fringe in this country.

Cowards and chickenhawks
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 13:27 — snookie

I'm really sick of these jerkoffs and the people who listen to them. Here is the e-mail I sent to

"I spent 13 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and am a disabled vet due to combat injuries. I cannot believe that this chickenhawk, coward, ignoramus Greg Gufeld was so stupid as to slander Canada's military after all the fighting and dying they have done. I have fought alongside them and have seen them die and be wounded just like us. Greg Gufeld you are an ignorant asshole."

I wanted to say what I would like to do with my size 14 wide combat boot if I ever saw this guy but held back.

Words fail me
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 13:48 — not the gipper

As a former active duty army officer, and a current army reserve officer who has served with Canadian military personnel in a combat theater, I am absolutely disgusted by these clowns. Not a one of them has spent a day in the military, nor knows anything about the military, and especially the Canadian military. The Canadian military is small (I believe about 30,000 altogether) but highly, highly professional. In many ways they put the US defense establishment to shame. Even if you are a conservative, you should be offended by these asshats. If this panel of morons had done any research, they would know that a Canadian sniper team in Afghanistan holds the world record for the longest confirmed kill (2310 meters, over a mile). They would know that the optempo for the Canadian military matches or surpasses ours - and doing it with less resources, and less personnel). Sometimes I think the description of items posted here get a little on the hyperbolic side, and I thought so maybe this time too, but I was wrong. Revolting.
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Re: Fox News Mocks the Canadian Military

Post by Dardedar »

More comments:


Sun, 03/22/2009 - 17:53 — bmccann42

I',m not sure how i did it, but I managed to watch this "piece of comedy gold" all the way through, and how I didn't punch my monitor I'm not sure.

Firstly I served in the Canadian Armed forces from 2000 to 2004, I have lost friends over in the 'stan, and to watch these 4 morons laugh at the sacrifice of my friends, made my blood boil.

I can take insults about the mounties, every moron makes those jokes about the red coats (please note that is their ceremonial uniform, notice we don't mock the dress uniform of your Marines or Navy), but this piece of stupid comedy about our military is beyond the pale.

Interestingly even if they apologize I won't get to see, as I refuse to watch Fox.

Thanks to everyone who also saw how insulting this segment was.

Fox News mocks the Canadian military
Sun, 03/22/2009 - 16:00 — NS57

As a Canadian I consider myself a fairly open-minded, forgiving, live and let live sort of person. I'm in my late 50's so I've experienced a lot of the world-wide cultural changes . I felt bad when Kennedy(s)were shot, the MLK tragedy. I was proud during the moon landing, shocked at 9/11 (My city hosted gratis over 2,000 Americans who were stranded when the planes were grounded). I was angry during Viet Nam (my American college roommate had a hole in his thigh the size of a baseball from a VC bullet), pissed at the numerous forays into South America, ad nauseum. But today I have to finally say that I am sick to death of smug, sanctimonious, ill-informed, smarmy, smirky American bullshit. I see the economic, educational, and social problems and can think of only one word: HUBRIS. Face it, you're not the greatest country in the world, not by a long shot. Your leading exports are guns, pornography and violence. I fear that there are not enough of you progressive types to turn the tide. My suggestion to you is when they start burning witches (and they will) get out.

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Re: Fox News Mocks the Canadian Military

Post by Dardedar »

Italics mine. Apparently we just misunderstood him.

Fox host apologizes for mocking of Canadian Forces

Monday, March 23, 2009
CBC News

The host of an over-the-top, late-night Fox network show has apologized for disrespecting the Canadian military with a recent segment on his intentionally inflammatory program.

"The March 17th episode of Red Eye included a segment discussing Canada's plan for a 'synchronized break,' which was in no way an attempt to make light of troop efforts," host Greg Gutfeld said in a statement issued Monday.

"However, I realize that my words may have been misunderstood. It was not my intent to disrespect the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military, and for that I apologize.

In an interview with the CBC on Monday, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said he accepted the apology — pointing out it came only after his department contacted Fox demanding one earlier in the day.

MacKay called the comments "totally, totally inappropriate, ridiculous [and] demeaning."

The vast majority of Americans, from President Barack Obama on down, "have nothing but respect and admiration for the Canadian forces and their families," he said.

"I don't think we should dignify this with more commentary other than to say it's highly regrettable," he added.

"The apology at least represents some recognition of the insensitivity — and we all move on."


In a five-minute segment broadcast March 17, Gutfeld mocked the Canadian Forces, noting Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie's recent comment that the military may need a year to recover after Canada's mission in Afghanistan ends in 2011.

"Meaning, the Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white Capri pants," Gutfeld said.

"I didn't even know they were in the war," panellist and comedian Doug Benson added. "I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada."

The panellists continued by joking about soldiers needing a break for "manicures and pedicures," how Canada should be invaded and poked fun at the RCMP.

Canadian soldiers, who have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001, have spent the last four years in the country's most violent regions. On Friday, military officials announced that four more Canadian soldiers were killed and eight others were wounded in two separate roadside bomb blasts outside Kandahar, in southern Afghanistan.

Canadians express outrage

Over the past few days, the Red Eye segment has sparked outrage from a range of Canadians, including thousands of comments on YouTube and Facebook.

"Our soldiers are dying for them and they have the audacity and the ignorance … to say something like that, it is insulting. It's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard," Sam Warren told CBC News after watching the segment.


Note, there is no mention of this on Fox News or the Red Eye site, but the Canadians don't seem to be buying it anyway. They are ripping the boy to shreds in the comment threads at the Washington Times article about the show. The CBC link has nearly 1,600 comments now. This Yahoo News Canada site has over 3,000 comments.

One of the jackasses on this Red Eye show was booked to do a comedy event in Edmonton Canada. Not anymore:

"But the owner of the Comedy Strip said he received too many angry messages - including from friends and relatives of soldiers - to guarantee Benson's safety. One person promised to buy a ticket just so that he could throw a beer at Benson.

"We were inundated with emails and phone calls that were bordering on threatening," said club owner Rick Bronson.

"Unfortunately, (Benson) touched a nerve."

The owner's wife called Benson's agent and informed him that the show couldn't go on."


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