Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

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John Galt

Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by John Galt »

Obama's teleprompter inspired stupidity causes Republicans to take the lead from the Democrat party.

Now 39% say they'll vote for dims, 41% will vote GOP-- a stunning turnaround.

2010 looking great for the GOP. ... nal_ballot
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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by Dardedar »

John Galt wrote:Obama's teleprompter inspired stupidity causes Republicans to take the lead from the Democrat party.
"Galt" always starts with a lie, distortion or misstatement of fact. No exceptions. Even if there was something to this poll, and there isn't, there is no reason to believe it would have anything to do with a president using [GASP] a teleprompter.
Now 39% say they'll vote for [democrats], 41% will vote GOP-- a stunning turnaround.
Stunning! Simply stunning I tell ya. From the article:

"Over the past year, Democratic support has ranged from a low of 39% to a high of 50%. In that same time period, Republicans have been preferred by 34% to 41% of voters nationwide."

So if you cherry pick a consistently biased source like Rassmussen (see below) and then on top of that cherry pick the GOP on their very luckiest day and DEM's on their worst, there is a slight overlap (see the ranges) and they are very nearly a statistical TIE. And this is as good as it gets for Galt. This is his ray of sunshine.

So glad you dropped by and shared this with us Galt. No, really.
2010 looking great for the GOP.
2010 is going to be rough patch for everybody because of Bush. In the long term the GOP is in a bad way. However, keep your party moving to the far right Galt. That's the winning strategy for ya <<Palin wink>>.

An interesting article on Rasmussen's curious polling results which for some reason differ from everyone else:


Which of course nullifies Galt's point anyway.

And to think I was just going to post "LOL" in response to this thread.
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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by Betsy »

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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by Dardedar »

Wee bit more on republican "popularity" (not exactly a topic they should want to be talking about right now):


Limbaugh’s Favorable Rating: 19 Percent

"Over the past few weeks, the White House has been casting right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh as the head of the Republican Party, and based on a new CBS News poll, it appears they may be onto something: According to the poll, Limbaugh’s favorable rating stands at just 19 percent, a full 43 points lower than President Obama’s...

"The poll also found that Republicans are relatively pessimistic about the future of their party. Just 40 percent believe the party is going in the right direction, while nearly as many – 36 percent – say it is going in the wrong direction. Among all Americans, just 27 percent say the party is going in the right direction and 48 percent say it is going in the wrong direction.

In March 1994 – right before the Republican takeover of Congress – views were quite different. A Gallup/CNN/USA Today taken at the time found that 58 percent believed the Republican leadership was taking the party in the right direction while just 24 percent thought it was headed in the wrong direction."

John Galt

Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by John Galt »

Think Thinkers!!! Rasumssen is the MOST accurate poller! ZERO is going down! ... ection.pdf

The following list ranks the 23 organizations by the accuracy of their final, national pre-
election polls (as reported on

1. Rasmussen (11/1-3)**
1. Pew (10/29-11/1)**
2. YouGov/Polimetrix (10/18-11/1)
3. Harris Interactive (10/20-27)
4. GWU (Lake/Tarrance) (11/2-3)*
5. Diageo/Hotline (10/31-11/2)*
5. ARG (10/25-27)*
6. CNN (10/30-11/1)
6. Ipsos/McClatchy (10/30-11/1)

Your little Handicap people hating, teleprompter loving idiot is going way doooooooown.

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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by Dardedar »

Rasmussen is a perfectly acceptable organization, I've quoted them myself. As the link I referenced shows, for some reason their numbers on Obama's popularity/approval were way out of line with everyone else's. That happens some times. You cherry picked a poll that gave a near statistical tie. That's a joke.

And Galt, you do realize that it's elections that matter, not polls. We just recently had an election, truly the ultimate poll. Here's a little tip for you, focus on the elections, not so much on the polls.

Actually, let me revise that. Focus on whatever you want. You and your party are irrelevant now. And that is as it should be.

As Doug posted on our forum on March 16 (three days ago):

"The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows the Republican Party's favorability rating at an all-time low. President Obama's is at an all-time high. The same poll shows that Republicans are getting most of the blame for the partisanship that hinders governmental progress. And perhaps most telling, when asked which party is best equipped to lead the country out of recession, the Republicans trail the Democrats by a stunning 30 points."

This is why I said, republicans really shouldn't be bringing up the subject of polls right now. Not if they're smart.

Galt, you're off the hook.

Oh, and I posted this from the NY times 9 days ago:

"The Republicans have reached a new low, literally. According to the most recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the percentage of Americans who view the Republican Party positively is at an all-time low. Meanwhile, President Obama’s positive rating is at an all-time high, and the Democratic Party’s positive rating is near its high."
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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by L.Wood »


John Galt really needs to run for office. Say at least the Ark House of Reps then on to bigger and better.

Run John Run!! Benton County will elect a sandwich to office so long as it's Republican.

They've elected a proven impersonator, a proven child molester, and proven and convicted drug addict
and numerous other crazies, like the now dead Doctor who ran against Blanche Lincoln in '96 and publicly
stated that it was impossible for a woman to become pregnant from being raped. That's right Hog fans,
an Md made a statement like that.

You fit Galt. Join your kind in the rare event that you haven't. They need more non-thinking types like you.

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Re: Republicans Take Lead in Generic Ballot

Post by Doug »

As if the Republicans were not low enough in popularity, Limbaugh, their unpopular defacto leader, is preaching that the AIG bonuses should proceed as the Bush administration had planned:

The instinctive yet self-defeating excuse-fest started with CNBC's Rick Santelli, who said Tuesday, in effect, that we should just give the AIG highrollers their $165 million in bonuses because that's nada compared to the billions that truly greedy subprime mortgage "losers" will receive from Obama. Then Limbaugh, true to his Ann Rand-y principles, said, "I am all for the AIG bonuses," and blasted Dems as a "lynch mob"... "ginned up by the Obama administration." Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity soon followed suit.

The right, pols and media, are having an awkward time squaring their free-market obsession with the populist rage they know they should at least pretend to feel.

See here.
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