Obama is tired and surprised at workload

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John Galt

Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by John Galt »

Obama is "tired" and surprised at the sheer volume of work that crosses the President's desk.

"Allies of Mr Obama say his weary appearance in the Oval Office with Mr Brown illustrates the strain he is now under, and the president's surprise at the sheer volume of business that crosses his desk."

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... Brown.html

This idiot is surprised that he has to work!

Combine this "shocker" with the fact that he cannot even say hello without a teleprompter!

What kind of complete idiot have you communists elected????????
Omni Reject

Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by Omni Reject »

Good point John-

Watch this- (We have been conned by the biggest scam in history)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omHUsRTY ... ident.com/
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Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by Dardedar »

Ah, now comes Galt. Back for his very first visit since the election. I hope he is over the nausea of having had it all and then having lost it all. Just kidding. I don't hope that.

One little bit of advice which I think I have shared with you before. Insults are an art form. You don't just jump around like a three year old splashing in mud puddles or you come across looking like... a three year old splashing around in mud puddles.

Or should I say, an elephant flopping around in it's own poop? To quote your party leader, speaking about your party, last week:

“I’m trying to move an elephant that’s become mired in its own muck,...”

He also "compares Republicans to drunks in need of a 12-step program and to the mentally ill." Link

I am not quoting some democrat here, I am quoting the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

But I digress.

As I was saying, for an insult to have any of the effect you desire it needs to have at it's core a grain of truth. Everyone knows Obama is an extremely eloquent speaker who can spin out print ready prose off the top of his head. Everybody knows that (for a change) there will be no industry built around a president who couldn't speak straight even with the help of a teleprompter and everyone knows that this time no one will be going into the business of making an Obama calendar with quotations of him saying something incoherent and stupid every, single, day, as was the case with your oh so "hard working," GW (who actually is more popular now than one other republican: Rush Limbaugh).

So, while I certainly appreciate your attempts, just raise the bar a little would ya?

"Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling."
—George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004
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Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by Dardedar »

Omni Reject wrote:Good point John-
Watch this
As a musician who knows something about stages and how microphones work, let me explain this to you, Reject. What the clip reveals is that someone in the crowd is yelling something at Obama and he is being distracted by it. If you were standing there on stage this would be very noticeable and the person yelling would be very obvious and probably overwhelmingly loud, yet the recording we hear, which is from Obama's handheld microphone does not pick this up and does not give a fair representation of what is going on (because the gain on that mic is set to only pick up sound that's very close and loud).

If this is a sample of the ammo you guys have on Obama, all I have to say is... wow.

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Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by tmiller51 »

Well the work does pile up when nobody's been doing it for 8 years.
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Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by Doug »

tmiller51 wrote:Well the work does pile up when nobody's been doing it for 8 years.
According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today's trip marks Mr. Bush's 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.

Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there.
See here.

And 43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency.

Lazy Ronald Reagan had previously held the record for the most vacation days. Bush busted that record easily by February 2008. And remember GW's LONG vacation the month before 9/11?

Yes, Bush vacationed while the country burned. And even while he was NOT on vacation, he rode his bike--a lot. Why was George W. Bush one of the most physically fit presidents ever? He went out on his bike every day instead of working.

Estimated total miles he has ridden his bike as president: 5400

Hey, I'm a huge cycling fan (not a ceiling fan), but if the country has 2 wars, and an economic collapse, he should have knuckled down and got to work at some point in his presidency. He never did.
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Re: Obama is tired and surprised at workload

Post by L.Wood »

One thing about it Gasalt. George Bush never let the nation's woes bother him. Nosiree. After being warned of pending terrorist attacks he took
a whoppin FIFTY EIGHT DAYs off, away from the White House during his first SIX MONTHS in office.

Of course, he inherited a thriving economy and a deficit so low Alan Greenspan thought it may cause a problem.

Then George kept us safe from terrorist attacks...after he failed to keep us safe.

Obama overwhelmed. Y'betcha!

Sinking Financial system. Iran problem never solved. North Korea problem never solved. Inherited the largest deficits in THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

Of course he is overwhelmed. If he were out on a LEASED Crawford ranch faking using a chainsaw and encouraging Americans to "go out and buy something" because "people want to own something" and this is an "ownership society" most would think he is crazy.

Obama has inherited the MESS OF ALL MESSES. Why do you think a black man got the job?

It will continue to be a mess if his advisers keep telling him to go for bipartisanship. Screw the Republicons.


"Blessed is the Lord for he avoids Evil just like the Godfather, he delegates."
Betty Bowers
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