DARBarbara Fitzpatrick wrote:DAR are you fast enough "on your feet" to respond to Moses with whatever he brings up?
Damn straight. The day a fundie can out duel Doug or I, or both together, is the day we better hang up the gloves.
Incidentally, Doug has formally debated Moses in my house and we have a video (DVD) of it. Now Moses does know his Bible very well, after all, this is his life and he lives and breathes this stuff. For me it is just an amusing hobby, one of many, and for several years now I have been rather bored with the Bible and the religiously insane. And Moses definitely has some mental problems. But he's not stupid. He can make shit up on the fly and he is a fast talker but the bottomline is that his positions are indefensible and require an extensive hardcore fundie foundational perspective and all of the profound bullshit that implies. So in a group situation, his positions are so extreme that many of the fundies will run from him and are made more ameniable to mine. It's quite an interesting situation to observe.
Luke is Greek, so it's not surprising he didn't get the parallel connection.
All of the NT was written Greek, The idea of Matthew having been written in Hebrew has been discarded by scholars. As I remember, Matthew was especially ignorant on matters requiring a good knowledge of Hebrew and the Jewish culture in general.
Do you have a copy of my book Barbara?