Red State Welfare

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Red State Welfare

Post by Dardedar »

Wingnuts, Wealth Redistribution, and What Was Palin Wearing?


So, the Wingnuts are in Full On “He’s a Commie” Mode, and I can’t help wondering-

Do these Dummies Think before running off at the Mouth?


Seriously, listening to some guy from Mississippi bitch, and moan about the “Redistribution of Wealth” is equivalent to Chuck Norris criticizing someone for their Dye Job.

Really? You want to go there?

The Dye Job?


Look, Wingnuts.

If you live in one of those “Red States,” you need to Keep Your Pie Hole Closed whenever the discussion turns to the “Redistribution of Wealth.”


Shut It.


Well, check this out-

1. New Mexico- $2.03

2. Mississippi- $2.02

3. Alaska- $1.84

4. Louisiana- $1.78

5. West Virginia- $1.76

6. North Dakota- $1.68

7. Alabama- $1.66

8. South Dakota- $1.53

9. Kentucky- $1.51

9. Virginia- $1.51

10. Montana- $1.47

What is that you Ask?

My Friends, that is the Redistribution of Wealth Top Ten.

That’s right.

For each dollar those states pay to the Feds, that’s what they Get Back.

Talk about “Welfare.”

Confused? Seriously?


For every $1.00 Mississippi pays in Federal Taxes, they Receive $2.02 in Return (That’s Chimpy Math).

Get it Now?

That, is “Wealth Redistribution,” on a National Level.

And you People have the Audacity to Whine about “Socialism?”

Are you... Kidding Me?

Look here, “Red Staters,” without the “Redistribution of Wealth,” your States would have Exactly-

Jack Shit...

Oh, just in case you’re wondering about the Rest of the List.

Eighteen out of the Top 20 Welfare Recipients are “Red States."

And Good Old Commie California?

California gets $0.78 for every Ducket they Pay (That’s 78 Cents).

Yep, those Old Commie Bastards are not only Paying for their Shit, they’re also Paying for YOURS!

Ain’t that a Bitch?

Hardly seems Fair. Especially the way you “Real Americans” constantly Bad Mouth the “anti-American, Leftist Coast.”

...Get It Together, Wingnuts!

If you don’t like “Socialism,” MOVE!

Get a Job, in a CITY!

Get off the Farm, and Return the Subsidy Money.

You have a Problem with the “Redistribution of Wealth?”


Get on the Horn, after reading the rest of this post, and tell your State Rep-

Hey, Bootlicker, we don’t need that New School or that New Bridge…or Roads. The people who Earned the Money Should Get to Keep the Money.


See the order of the states here. Notice the Blue states at the bottom.
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