Are You Better Off?

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Are You Better Off?

Post by Dardedar »

Ah finally, the updated charts I have been looking for. It's legacy time:

Are You Better off?

See this Back of a Napkin version that has even more charts. Eight categories. For instance:

And lastly, every major nation's perception of the US fell precipitously:

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Re: Are You Better Off?

Post by Dardedar »

Another important chart. Look what Bush does:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chart of the day: Debt to GDP

Since the beginning of the bull market in 1982, the US has become a society hooked on debt. Total debt (including financial services companies) has nearly doubled as a percentage of GDP in those 25-odd years (from 133% of GDP at $4 trillion of debt in 1981 on GDP of $3 trillion to 221% of GDP at $31 trillion of debt in 2007 on GDP of $14 trillion).

What this suggests is that the US is not producing enough to sustain adequate economic growth without huge amounts of debt. Ultimately, this debt burden will have to paid off or defaulted upon. Either way, the US faces a less prosperous future, as a result.

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