Betsy wrote:From an interview today, Obama says:
... "And how family deals with issues and teenage children that shouldn't be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that is off limits."
He's right and he's wrong.
He's right in that federal politics shouldn't play into how families deal with these situations.
He's wrong in that it does, and Palin is one of the nutjobs who is trying to
mandate that the government controls how families deal with these situations. These idiots spew "righteous" indignation at birth control, abortion, and sex education when it's clear that their approach doesn't work and even has the opposite of the desired effect. What better way to hammer the point home than to expose the spokesperson for the idiocy as an example of its miserable failure.
In addition -- a lead-in as if this were some minor point -- it has a hell of a lot to do with her honesty and integrity. Is she blatantly lying just to save her agenda, or is she so out of touch with reality that she spends 12+ hours speaking, traveling by plane, and traveling by car while leaking amniotic fluid from around a fetus that has already been diagnosed with potential complications and doesn't bother telling the crowd or airline nor consulting a local doctor for immediate medical attention? Seriously, does either one appear acceptable?
Darrel wrote:If her claim is true then why not produce an picture of her looking unambiguously pregnant.
I think it would be more telling to have pictures of the daughter looking unambiguously not pregnant during the month before the birth. Or DNA testing.
I'm not about to swallow this cover-up story whole, but the sheer volume of circumstantial evidence warrants asking some questions.
WaPo wrote:The McCain campaign confirmed that the daughter is five months pregnant, a timeline that, if accurate, would make it almost impossible for her to have delivered a baby in April.
I'm not about to swallow this line, either. It'll be interesting to see her deliver her baby two months "late," well after the election... (If Mommy could solve the problem the first time, she can do it again.)
Still though, it's good ammo against abstinence-only education. Another loss for the rabid righties. If there's a vice-presidential debate, let's hope Biden brings up sex education while he's ridiculing her on creationism.