"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."

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"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."

Post by LaWood »

Unbelievable. Fits right in with Cheney's famous "So" remark.

President George Bush: 'Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter'
By Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor and Urmee Khan
Last Updated: 7:52AM BST 10/07/2008
George Bush surprised world leaders with a joke about his poor record on the environment as he left the G8 summit in Japan.

The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."

He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock.

Mr Bush, whose second and final term as President ends at the end of the year, then left the meeting at the Windsor Hotel in Hokkaido where the leaders of the world's richest nations had been discussing new targets to cut carbon emissions.
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Post by Dardedar »

After a two hour private meeting with G.W. I came to "one unmistakable conclusion: George Walker Bush was a frat boy trapped in a president's
--Republican Joe Scarborough, "Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day”, pg. 56
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