The Man Who Saved the World by Doing Nothing

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The Man Who Saved the World by Doing Nothing

Post by Doug »

A great story. And true.

During the Cold War, a Russian military officer got a false alarm on his radar that the U.S. had launched five missles at the USSR.

Had he followed protocol, he would have pushed the red button and started the counterattack, causing WWIII. But he didn't. He waited and investigated. Eventually, the alarm was found to be in error. By doing nothing, he saved the world. But his superiors were not happy at all. Not only did his inaction make known a bug in the Soviet system, he didn't follow the rules. He was forced into early retirement with a small pension.

Only now is his story coming to light. A book has come out and a movie is in the works. The man's name is Stanislav Petrov, and he received the U.N. World Citizen Award.

See here.
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Post by Phalcon »

The human factor... Robots don't have "hunches" or "compassion, " only rules, and that makes them scary if put in control of weapons.
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