Harris Poll asked TV viewers, both Democrat and Republican, to name their favorite and least liked news personalities.
Methodology: Harris asked respondents for the three most liked and disliked TV personalities; we took the net totals for survey participants who also gave a political affiliation. For instance, 42% of Republicans liked Bill O'Reilly, and 10% disliked him, giving him a net approval rating among Republicans of 32%, indicated by the substantial red bar under his name. Only 11% of Democrats said they liked the controversial Fox News anchor, and 34% named him one of their least favorite news figures, giving him a net approval rating among Democrats of negative 23%, marked by the blue bar stretching below the x-axis.
George Stephanopolous - I love his show on Sunday morning
Keith Olberman - he slams the president and Bill O"Reilly so hard you gotta love him
Anderson Cooper - so likeable!
I don't have a TV and seldom listen to radio news (NPR if anything) - I have seen some killer video clips of Keith Olberman, though. I'd have thought he'd have scored higher on the chart.