Pres. Bush Gives GREAT State of the Union Speech

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John Galt

Pres. Bush Gives GREAT State of the Union Speech

Post by John Galt »

The pathetic Nancy Pelosi showed her true colors of stupidity and arrogance tonight. It would seem that her highness had NO CLUE that she would be on camera the entire speech. So sad.

On positive note- I'm sure we'll all agree that the President gave a remarkable speech- powerful and with wisdom that is unheard on the DemoRAT side of the chamber.

Now- here is the "take home" for our "free" "thinkers"- take notes if you dare.

Pres. Bush clearly has disdain for Public Relations, that is his right. 85% or more of the public has lost the ability to think for themselves. So when the public is not told how to think- Like the Silly 'Rat presidential candidates do daily. The public simply can't do it these days. It's sad that mental midgets like the "free" "thinkers" have complete disdain for Pres. Bush- yet he has complete respect for you. His greatest fault is that he misjudged the mental ability of Americans- maybe he has not been in a public school recently.

Your Happy, pal,
John Galt (admit it- I'm beloved on this forum)
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Post by Dardedar »

I like it much better when you try to make statements of fact. The above is just childish spleen even by your low standards. Nothing to work with. Could you try again?

Oh, and you have left several loose ends in other recent threads you have run away from. Giving up so soon? That's something I would never do.

Go here to see an excellent video detailing the lies and failed promises of Bush's 2007 State of the Union address. Concise and to the point.

"And so, in my State of the -- my State of the Union -- or state -- my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation -- I asked Americans to give 4,000 years -- 4,000 hours over the rest -- rest of your life -- of service to America."
--President George W. Bush, on his community-service initiative. April 22, 2002, Newsweek, pg 21
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Re: Pres. Bush Gives GREAT State of the Union Speech

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote: 85% or more of the public has lost the ability to think for themselves.
And how did you get this number? You made it up?

In any case, you must hate Rush Limbaugh, who tells his audience that they don't have to think because he'll do the thinking for them.
John Galt wrote:So when the public is not told how to think- Like the Silly 'Rat presidential candidates do daily. The public simply can't do it these days. It's sad that mental midgets like the "free" "thinkers" have complete disdain for Pres. Bush- yet he has complete respect for you.
Too bad he has none for the troops. He sends them to a war he manufactured, he does not give them the right equipment, he tries to cut their pay, he tries to cut their benefits, and he does not listen to the generals when they try to tell him what should be done to win this war.
John Galt wrote:His greatest fault is that he misjudged the mental ability of Americans- maybe he has not been in a public school recently.
America misjudged what a moron he was and is. But his stupidity and ignorace, as far as dangers to this country, pale in comparison to his evil in starting a superfluous war that has cost tens of thousands of lives.

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Post by Dardedar »

Greg Palast responds to Bush's "...speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it..."

I don't think he liked it:

Off the Rails: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union

by Greg Palast
Tuesday, 23 January, 2007

There was that tongue again. When the President lies he’s got this weird nervous tick: He sticks the tip of his tongue out between his lips. Like a little boy who knows he’s fibbing. Like a snake licking a rat.

In his State of the Union tonight the President did his tongue thing 124 times — my kids kept count.

But it wasn’t all rat-licking lies.

Most pundits concentrated on Iraq and wacky health insurance stuff. But that’s just bubbles and blather. The real agenda is in the small stuff. The little razors in the policy apple, the nasty little pieces of policy shrapnel that whiz by between the appearances of the Presidential tongue.

First, there was the announcement the regime will, “give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers.” In case you missed that one, the President is talking about creating a federal citizen profile database.

There’s a problem with that idea. It’s against the law. The law in question is the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers thought the government had no right to keep track on a citizen unless there is evidence they have committed, or planned to commit, a crime.

But the Founding Fathers didn’t imagine there were millions and billions of dollars to be made by private contractors ready to perform this KGB operation for the Department of Homeland Security, tracking each and every one of us to keep tabs on our “status.”

These work databases will tie into “voter verification” databases required by the Help America Vote Act. And these will tie to the databases on citizenship and so on.

Will Big Brother abuse these snoop lists? The biggest purveyor of such hit lists is Choice Point, Inc. – those characters who, before the 2000 election, helped Jeb Bush purge innocent voters as “felons” from Florida voter rolls. Will they abuse the new super-lists? Does Dick Cheney shoot in the woods?

There were several other little IEDs (improvised execrable policy devices) planted in the State of the Union. Did you catch the one about doubling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? If you’re unfamiliar with the SPR, it is supposed to be the stash of oil we keep in case the price of crude gets too high.

Well, the price of oil has been horribly high but Dick Cheney, the official who sits on the Reserve’s spigots, has refused to release the oil into the market.

Instead of unleashing the Reserve and busting Big Oil’s price gouging Bush will double the Reserve, which will require buying three-quarters of a billion barrels of oil. This is a nice $40 billion pay-out to Big Oil from the US Treasury. Compare this to the President’s health insurance plan which will be “revenue neutral” — that is, have a net investment of zero.

But the $40 billion in loot the oilmen will get from us taxpayers for doubling the Reserve is nothing compared to the boost in the worldwide price of crude caused by this massive, mad purchase. While the Congressional audience didn’t even bother polite applause for the reserve purchase plan, there’s no doubt they were whooping it up in Saudi Arabia. Clearly, the state of the Saudi-Bush union is still pretty good.

But why end on a cynical note? I must admit I was moved by the President’s praise of Wesley Autrey, a New Yorker who, last month, threw himself on top of a man who had fallen on subway tracks — and held him between the track rails as the train passed over them.

While the President properly acknowledged Autrey’s courage in saving the man who fell on the subway tracks, Mr. Bush still did not explain why Dick Cheney pushed the man in the first place.
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Post by Betsy »

I'm finding it difficult to believe that Galt or anyone else actually thought that was a successful, powerful, well-done State of the Union address. Surely he is just trying to yank our chains. Anyone with any semblance of a grip on reality could see that speech for what it was - lame.

And what's with the rant about 85% of people not being able to think for themselves? I agree that it appears most people are sheep, but those would be the ones who just take whatever the president spoon feeds them as the truth. How about some fact checking for yourself Galt, now THAT would be doing some thinking for yourself.

I enjoy have a dissenting view on this site because it creates debate, but it would be nice to have one that takes the time to get their facts straight and isn't just trying to start fires and then run away. Galt, I appreciate that you tried to write something instead of just posting an article, but this was just silly.
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Post by Dardedar »

Letterman does a funny bit on NBC's advertising of the State of the Union address. About a minute long and definitely worth watching. You can see the clip here


What does it tell you about the state of this president that this would be the punchline? A lot.
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Post by Doug »

Darrel wrote:Letterman does a funny bit on NBC's advertising of the State of the Union address. About a minute long and definitely worth watching. You can see the clip here
That clip is FUNNY!
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Post by Dardedar »

The Rude Pundit gives his opinion of the speech. Probably too hardcore to post here:

The State of the Union is "Oh, F--k, Am I Still Here?"

The rest...
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Post by Dardedar »


"It was such a riveting speech, Larry Craig only took two bathroom breaks.
Halfway through, Ted Kennedy sent over a couple of drinks to the Bush twins." -- David Letterman

Post by LaWood »

John Galt (admit it- I'm beloved on this forum)

Yea, like the toilet loves toilet paper.
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Re: Pres. Bush Gives GREAT State of the Union Speech

Post by Dardedar »

John Galt wrote: 85% or more of the public has lost the ability to think for themselves.
Saw this picture and thought of Galt:

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