Huckabee and the Theocrats

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Huckabee and the Theocrats

Post by LaWood »

Ever since Huckabee made his pitch to the Values Voters Debate Sept 17 the theocrats have rushed to his support.

This coming week he makes his pitch to one of the wildest of all fundies:


He scheduled to speak to Hagee and legions on Sunday at Hagee's church in San Antonio ( )

Huck has recently met with one of the bizzare fundies, Dr. Dr. Steven Hotze who was instrumental in formulating the following:

A wife may work outside the home only with her husband's consent

. "Biblical spanking" that results in "temporary or superficial bruises or welts" should not be considered a crime

. No doctor shall provide medical service on the Sabbath

. All disease and disability is caused by the sin of Adam and Eve

. Medical problems are frequently caused by personal sin

. "Increased longevity generally results from obedience to specific Biblical commands"

. Treatment of the "physical body" is not a doctor's highest priority

. Doctors have a priestly calling

. People receiving medical treatment are not immune from divine intervention or demonic forces

. Physicians should preach to their patients because salvation is the key to their health

. "Christians need better health to have more energy, tolerate more stress, get depressed less often, and be more creative than our non-Christian counterparts for the advancement of God's Kingdom."
(see People for Am Way)

Additionally in the past 10 days Huck has the endorsement of endtimer
Tim LaHaye, author of "Left Behind series of books.
( ... ase&ID=409)

Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Is that why christians deliberately infected Native Americans with small pox? All that pagan good health needed to be smited by jee-sus?
Barbara Fitzpatrick

Cult of Character bidness is booming

Post by LaWood »

This one is a must read to help discover how extreme some of Huckabee's supporters truly are. None other than Bill Gothard, Phd whose evangelizing is only outstripped by his money grubbing.

Is Mike Huckabee Going to Rock & Roll Hell? A Letter to Evangelist Bill Gothard from Justin Jeffre

Friday, December 28, 2007

Posted by Justin Jeffre

Bill Gothard PhD, Founder/President
The Institute in Basic Life Principles
Oak Brook, IL

Dear Dr. Gothard:

For the past couple years, my colleague, the Dean of Cincinnati, has been writing articles about you and your various enterprises. Before then I’d never even heard of you, your institute, your “character-building" seminars, your unaccredited medical school, your unaccredited law school, your nursing program, your Children’s Institute, your bible-centered paramilitary boot camp, your music school, your culinary arts program, your Institute of Photographic Studies, your resort-style training center in Guadalajara, your upholstery training program, your hair design program, etc. As you know, I’m just scratching the surface - the list keeps just on going and according to this 2006 In These Times cover story, The Cult of Character, business is booming:

othard, the 74-year-old, unmarried man at the head of the Oak Brook, Illinois-based Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) - which brings in an estimated profit of at least $63 million annually - has been in the evangelism business since 1964.

But my letter today concerns matters far more serious than earthly possessions and multi-million dollar bank accounts. Today I’m asking you to save the eternal soul of the man you support to be the next President of the United States - Mike Huckabee. Thanks again to recent articles by The Dean, I learned that you and Governor Huckabee are longtime associates and that you were photographed together at a recent “Huckabee for President” campaign event at a Houston home. I also came across a December 13 Denver Post article about Matthew Murray, the young Colorado church shooter, which includes:

Murray also claims online that he went through Bill Gothard home schooling, a fundamental Christian organization that has about 2,000 students enrolled nationally. ...................

“It’d be important to see the connection between his passion to rock music and how it ultimately brought this on.” Gothard said whenever he gets calls from parents having trouble with their kids, he asks about what they listen to. “In every case, (the kid) is listening to rock music,” he said.

Here’s why I’m writing you. Though it’s been widely reported in the media, it may have escaped your attention that Gov. Huckabee not only loves rock music, he plays bass guitar in a rock band! I have located numerous photographs of him engaging in this activity.


Edited by Savonarola 20071230 1112: LaWood continues to be inconsiderate

Huck and Reverend Jay Cole

Post by LaWood »

"Of all the right-wing figures who have promoted Mike Huckabee's extraordinary political rise from a backwater church to the national pulpit of a presidential campaign--and there are many--perhaps none know the former Arkansas governor and current Republican presidential front-runner better than Jay Cole.


But the Huckabee Cole has known and loved for decades contrasts sharply with the sunny figure the media's leading lights have conjured up. According to Cole, Huckabee has connected with voters--specifically, evangelical voters--not simply because he is a charismatic speaker, but also because he shares their apocalyptic world view. As Cole told me, "To date there's well over 139 prophecies that have come to pass exactly as the Lord says. Mike believes those things. Anyone with any Bible knowledge would have to say that this looks like the time. We're so close to the Lord's return."[/img]

Post by LaWood »


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:19 AM by Domenico Montanaro
"[Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards,"
Huckabee said, referring to the need for a constitutional human life amendment and an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Huckabee often refers to the need to amend the constitution on these grounds, but he has never so specifically called for the Constitution to be brought within "God's standards," which are themselves debated amongst religious scholars. As a closing statement he asked the room of nearly 500 supporters to "pray and then work hard, and in that order," to help him secure a victory in Tuesday's GOP primary. ... 79265.aspx

Post by LaWood »

Now Huckabilly moves beyond ordinary Theocrats as he embraces the racist religiofascists:

Mike Huckabee's White Supremacist Links

As South Carolina's Republican primary election draws nearer, Mike Huckabee has ratched up his appeals to the racial nationalism of white evangelicals. "You don't like people from outside the state coming in and telling you what to do with your flag," the former Arkansas governor told a Myrtle Beach crowd on January 17, referring to the Confederate flag. "If somebody came to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we'd tell them what to do with the pole. That's what we'd do."

Making coded appeals to white racism is nothing new for Huckabee. Indeed, well before he was a nationally known political star, Huckabee nurtured a relationship with America's largest white supremacist group, the Council of Conservative Citizens. The extent of Huckabee's interaction with the racist group is unclear, but this much is known: he accepted an invitation to speak at the group's annual conference in 1993 and ultimately delivered a videotaped address that was "extremely well received by the audience."

Descended from the White Citizens Councils that battled integration in the Jim Crow South, including at Arkansas' Little Rock High School, the Council (or CofCC) has been designated a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center." ... n/45272545

Of course Huckabilly bent over and took GW Bush's NO Child Left Behind, in his behind like a good Bushbot. He never uttered a word of protest.
Ark does not and will not fly the Rebel flag.

Meanwhile at the conservative sanity booth:

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) — John McCain on Wednesday defended his opposition eight years ago to the flying of the Confederate battle flag over the South Carolina state capitol in Columbia, brushing aside protests that dogged him at campaign events and suggesting most people in the state don't want the issue reopened.

Several protesters aggressively waved Confederate flags at McCain's bus procession as it arrived for campaign events in Greenville and Spartanburg and passed out literature recalling McCain's April 2000 call for removal of the flag from atop the South Carolina statehouse. ... gD8U76ME00
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