Clinton humiliated in Iowa, Huckabee wins Big!

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John Galt

Clinton humiliated in Iowa, Huckabee wins Big!

Post by John Galt »

ha ha


Edited by Savonarola 20080103 2234: John Galt also can't follow URL posting guidelines
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Re: Clinton humiliated in Iowa, Huckabee wins Big!

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote:ha ha


Edited by Savonarola 20080103 2234: John Galt also can't follow URL posting guidelines
A link to FAUX News? Why not link to a news service?

And what's so funny about the MASSIVE Democratic turnout? That the Republicans can see they're going to get their asses kicked in November?
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Post by Betsy »

I'm an Obama supporter (even donated money to his campaign, which is a big first for me!) but I don't get the part about Hillary being "humiliated." It was a strong race and pretty much a three-way tie, with over 200K Democratic voters turning out to the caucuses. (Meanwhile the Republicans are foundering as they grope around for a halfway decent candidate, which they can't seem to find.)

There may be ONE good thing that has come out of the Bush administration: People are getting very involved in politics in order to effect CHANGE.
John Galt

Post by John Galt »

Betsy, Clinton was thought to be inevitable. The wife of the 1st black president seems to have big problems. Get ready for 4 more years of Republican rule....
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Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote:Betsy, Clinton was thought to be inevitable. The wife of the 1st black president seems to have big problems. Get ready for 4 more years of Republican rule....
Sure, a bump in the road and Hillary is derailed. Spoken like a true Limbaugh-loving, rabid Clinton-hater.

And no matter which of the top 3 Demos gets the nomination, any one of them can whip any of the Republican candidates. You don't have a prayer...
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Post by ChristianLoeschel »

Especially since the reps seem to be going for the most unelectable candidate on the ballot.

Post by LaWood »

Betsy, Clinton was thought to be inevitable.
By whom? The Clinton Campaign or the Beltway Boys? It was a nice pitch
but the Beltway boys failed to poll the entire Demo electorate.

Nothing in politics is inevitable.

"Huckabee wins Big! "

But not nearly so big as Barack Obama.
Get ready for 4 more years of Republican rule....

Iowa '08 Republic Turnout : 114,000

Iowa '08 Democratic Turnout: 220,588

These turnout numbers are really interesting because Iowa is evenly divided between D and R registered voters.


All the next President needs do is flash a few pics on national TV of the R candidate in friendly poses with Bush, like Huckabee at NWA airport at least twice, and flash Huckabee quotes about continuing Bush's failed Iraq policy. That should do it.

The U.S. Senate Demos will gain about 4-5 seats while the House remains about the Demo control.
And just in case you're stupid enough to think Iowa determines anything recall the "most popular president in modern times", Ronnie Raygun, lost the caucuses in Iowa in 1980.
John Galt

Reagan was the greatest.

Post by John Galt »

Please do not demean yourself by insulting a great President that your ilk disrespected at every opportunity. So sad........ I remember your hate. And we all know how WRONG you were about President Reagan.
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Re: Reagan was the greatest.

Post by Dardedar »

John Galt wrote:And we all know how WRONG you were about President Reagan.
Yes, Larry knows the comment "most popular president in modern times" is wrong, that's why he put the comment in quotation marks. Clinton was the most popular president in modern times (Bush is easily the most loathed president of modern times).

"...polls show that Clinton's job approval rating as he left office was as high or higher than Reagan's when he left office. Clinton's final Gallup job approval rating was 66 percent, compared with 63 percent (subscription required) for Reagan. A January 17, 2004, ABC News online article cited an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a 65 percent job approval rating for Clinton at the end of his presidency, compared with a 64 percent rating* for Reagan at the end of his. CBS News polls showed a 68 percent approval rating for both Clinton and Reagan at the end of their respective presidencies."

Iowa '08 Republic Turnout : 114,000

Iowa '08 Democratic Turnout: 220,588

These turnout numbers are really interesting because Iowa is evenly divided between D and R registered voters.
It's Betsy


Post by It's Betsy »

Anyone who says they believe a republican is going to win the next presidential election has their head somewhere other than out in the real world. Get a grip! Even Richardson could beat any of the Republican candidates. Even mainstream Republicans (not the fringe neocon freakshows) are switching to democratic because there isn't a decent Republican candidate running. So if you're just going to spout nonsense like "get ready for four more years of republican rule" (or whatever it was you said) maybe you should just go ramble on to a brick wall in the loony bin, because nobody here is buying it.

Post by LaWood »

Please do not demean yourself by insulting a great President that your ilk disrespected at every opportunity. So sad........ I remember your hate. And we all know how WRONG you were about President Reagan.
You know nothing. I voted for Raygun once. I supported his candidacy in
1976. After he took office and ran up federal deficits like a drunken sailor spending money I had no more use for him. He precipitated the largest recession we had seen since 1957-58. After Iran-Contra affair I certainly did not want another criminal like Richard M. Nixon holding the office of POTUS.

By the way Dar cleverly recognized "most popular president" bit. It's the mantra that wingnuts circulate and wingnut candidates attempt to emulate.
However I should have use the single marks (') rather than standard quotes.

Bet I have something you don' autographed photo of Raygun, dyed red hair and all.

Post by LaWood »

"Huckabee or McCain would destroy the Republican Party." Rush Limbaugh
If you doubt that, here is what Rush Limbaugh said about McCain and Huckabee on his program today: “I’m here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination, it’s going to destroy the Republican Party, it’s going to change it forever, be the end of it.”
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Post by Savonarola »

LaWood wrote:"Huckabee or McCain would destroy the Republican Party." Rush Limbaugh
Watch our new Limbaugh-loving righties do a flip-flop and temporarily agree that Limbaugh is a moron.

I'd say, if Limbaugh is correct, go McCain! It's well past time to eliminate the most bass-ackward party this country has seen in a long, long time.
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Post by Betsy »

so, it appears Falwell and Pat Robertson have gotten behind Romney. I saw Robertson on a program the other night - might have been Hardball - practically frothing at the mouth about how Romney would be our next president and thought that was rather odd. I expected them to get behind the guy who wants to change the Constitution to match their own narrow views instead of a, Huckabee must really suck, haha...
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Post by Dardedar »

Betsy wrote:so, it appears Falwell and Pat Robertson have gotten behind Romney.
Hey, Falwell is dead as a doornail so he ain't behind anybody (if you see him on a show be sure and let us know, that would be a neat trick). If Robertson is backing Romney now that is really something. I can't see Romney winning either the nomination or the presidency under any circumstances. A large majority of xtians consider mormonism (the second "m" is silent) a cult (unlike their own cult) for very good reasons. Actually, as Betsy says, I can't see any of the republicans even doing very well. Bush has been a profound disaster for the US.

Limbaugh's predictive powers are pathetic. I wonder if anyone has ever compiled a list of his failed predictions. I remember him predicting Hillary would definitely not run for the senate. When she did he said she would never win. He predicted that the Vince Foster thing was a murder which would bring down the Clinton's. Etc.


Post by LaWood »

Sav wrote:
I'd say, if Limbaugh is correct, go McCain! It's well past time to eliminate the most bass-ackward party this country has seen in a long, long time.

Well, it's simply too late but dopehead, fat-assed Limbaugh would not know that. Geo W. Monkey and Darth Cheney have beaten any contender. Those two have destroyed what ever there was of the Republican Party. However before we celebrate never forget that 40% of the people of this nation don't get a high school eduation, 80+ per cent believe that god created the world in 6 days just as it is and over 60% don't accept evolution.
All this amounts to is that there is sufficient total ignorance for the Republicans to make a comeback.

Additionally, I would like to add the comments I rec'd from my dear friend a retired Navy commander today regarding Bush visits to the House of Saud and it's bearing on America:
Watching NBC last couple of nights my over-riding thought was that there is no altruism involved in the hearts of any of these Asian or Arab "lenders." That this was, rather, an opportunistic, and probably co-ordinated, grab for power over the American economy. This article takes it one small step further and blames the situation on the tax cuts that have benefited the top one per cent of Americans. This makes sense, but let me now go one more step in the ill-thunk and cowardly equation: Clearly Bush in the end crunch time has greater allegience to his moneyed friends than to the "Christians" who worked so hard, often drastically against their own interests, to put him and keep him in office. They, of course, deserve the consequences but the rest of us who get dragged down with them don't. Their support of the blatantly ignorant and incompetent Huck proves their terminal stupidity
Ron Rockwell
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