Hillary Going Down In Flames- Dick Morris

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John Galt

Hillary Going Down In Flames- Dick Morris

Post by John Galt »

http://www.newsmax.com/morris/hillary_h ... /62372.htm

"Free" Thinkers Panic...

Hillary Humbled

Monday, January 7, 2008 9:29 AM

By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Hillary Clinton made one thing very clear at Saturday night’s Democratic debate: Her likability tour is definitely over.

Baring her claws at opponents Barack Obama and John Edwards, the real Hillary was finally in evidence. The mask was off and her rage, arrogance, and sense of entitlement were on full display.

It was not a pretty picture.

From the first moment that she entered the stage, Hillary’s body language shrieked one thing — smoldering, simmering anger. The constant smile and the cackling laugh that have been her campaign trademark were suddenly gone. In their place was a furious, primal glare.

And it wasn’t just aimed at her opponents. She seemed to be angry at the voters, too.

It was as though she wanted to scream at them and say: “Don’t you get it? I am the best possible choice for president! Trust me on this one! I know that I was meant to be the next president. But now, because some Iowans — from a state that means nothing — don’t understand what’s going on, I have to fight against these losers? I am the senator from New York. I am the former first lady. I’ve been to 80 countries. I am responsible for the Irish peace process. I could have stopped Rwanda. I will stop Iraq. I am the only one with the experience to get big that starts on Day One. What’s wrong with you people?”

Shrieking at John Edwards, she fell back on her “35” years of working for change, which, at this point has become the oratorical equivalent of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

For the first hour of the debate, Hillary almost seemed disoriented, and, to use one of her favorite words, “bewildered.”

She — and her advisers — just don’t get it. She, and they along with her, have never faced a serious opponent. So, they believed that she and their flawed strategy were all invincible. They thought that they could sell her as the inevitable, experienced Washington insider.

There is no stupider message for a democratic candidate. The democrats are the party of insurgents, not incumbents. And yet these folks dressed her up in a costume that said “status-quo.”

It’s political consulting malpractice.

Relying on microtrends, they never noticed the looming macrotrends that were gathering to defeat her.

The big problem Hillary faces is that, like a car engine running on empty, she is now trying to wage a negative campaign without any real negatives to throw. Her attacks on Obama have all of the inflection and vitriol of a negative campaign, but none of the ammunition. She can’t get a handle on Obama and cannot bring him down. She simply doesn’t understand what’s going on. Like Lyndon Johnson in 1968, she’s in shell shock. And it shows.

Her attack on Obama for not covering everybody under health insurance fell flat when he countered that adults should be trusted to make their own decisions, but should certainly be required to cover their children. Touché.

Above all, she has not adjusted to the fact that an election that she believed was going to be about race and gender now turns on age. Her pollster and strategist – and her husband – apparently missed this entirely.

Now, with young people voting overwhelmingly for Obama, it is his freshness and likeability that contrast so sharply with her harsh and brittle persona. His veracity shows up very well against her phoniness. It was certainly evident in the debate.

Yes, the likability tour is over and the negative campaign has begun. But Hillary has no ammo.
It's Betsy

thread continuity

Post by It's Betsy »

Savaranola - How about putting all of the Clinton-hating diatribes in one thread - there's no sense in having a new thread every day about how much John Galt hates Hillary. Geez, he must lie awake at night thinking of new ways to hate on her.

If he and people like him would spend 1/2 as much time thinking of ways to improve the Republican party or support his own candidate as they do making up new ways to hate on democrats, maybe they'd have a little bit of a chance in the 2008 elections!
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Re: thread continuity

Post by Savonarola »

It's Betsy wrote:Savaranola - How about putting all of the Clinton-hating diatribes in one thread
I can't merge threads with this software. Unless I delete it, Galt's spam will have to remain an indicator that he doesn't know how to use a forum.
It's Betsy wrote:there's no sense in having a new thread every day about how much John Galt hates Hillary.
I agree, but since when does Galt pay any attention to sense?
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Post by Dardedar »

Political guidance from the prostitute-toe-sucking Dick Morris.



A little background on his Hillary hating in case anyone doesn't know:

Morris: he's not a democrat anymore but he's still a dick

Why does the "values" crowd have anything to do with Dick Morris?

The gleeking, beef-witted boar-pig trots his formidable backside around cable TV and talk radio as a conservative political consultant, despite he's one of the sleaziest two-bit players on the national scene.

And no need to jump on the Wayback Machine to find Morris' name in headlines concerning his sexual peckerdilloes. As recently as this Spring his was being mentioned in the same scandalous breath as alleged madam DC Deborah Jeane Palfrey's.

If there's anyone who should have no credibility with anyone- let alone the religious right or their righteous talk radio mouth pieces- it would be this fawning sheep-biting canker-blossom.

Yet self-appointed moral guides such as Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck have all recently guested the toe-sucking, whoring, weasel-toed, Hillary-hating, Mr. Morris.

He's their man in full!

As a Fox News Channel political analyst, Rev. Morris appears on Billo Reilly's Kulturkampf every month or so. He's allowed to pontificate like a deacon regularly on Christianist, right-wing Townhall.com, the popular online conservative pow-wow pulpit owned by radio mini-cabal Salem Communications' (KKOL, KGNW).

(If we didn't know what evangelicals think of Catholics, we'd guess their acceptance of him was because he's converted to Catholicism).

Whatever accounts for their tacit support of this puking fen-sucked nut-hook, he's all over the place strumpetting his new book, Outrage: How Illegal Immigration, the United Nations, Congressional Rip-offs, Student Loan Overcharges, Tobacco Companies, Trade Protection, Drug Companies are Ripping Us Off and What to Do About It.

If the religious conservatives weren't blinded by their craving to hear the glib hatred Morris can be counted upon to spout about Hillary Clinton, he'd never never get invited to the conservative media venues he haunts regularly.

In 1996, he got caught with his pants down- literally- just as Bill Clinton was to give his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention.

Morris was publically (and pubicly) busted by a hooker he had done wrong. She told the NY tabs that while abed with her in a Washington lovenest he'd rented- he took a break from sucking her toes, dialed Clinton and let her listen as he talked to the president for whom he was serving as a political consultant.

Of course he blamed all this on the Clintons, and since being fired by them, he's knocked down a fair living inside the GOP noise machine being a professional Clinton hater. He writes a column for Rupert Murdoch's New York Post; and has written several Hillary hit books.

He and veteran GOP scheissemeister Dave Bossie are raising money for a hit film they'll use to Swift Boat Hillary's presidential campaign. (Bossie is being assisted by former Tacoman and KVI talk host, Floyd Brown who worked with him on the nasty 1988 Willie Horton TV ad that helped sink Michael Dukakis).

Morris has the sincerity of the Tobacco Institute and the forthrightness of Alberto Gonzalez- to hear him talking about other people's morals makes us assume the pre-natal position and suck our own toes.

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Re: thread continuity

Post by Doug »

It's Betsy wrote:If he and people like him would spend 1/2 as much time thinking of ways to improve the Republican party or support his own candidate as they do making up new ways to hate on democrats, maybe they'd have a little bit of a chance in the 2008 elections!
That's the thing about the rabid Clinton-haters. Like Bush, they can only identify with negative emotions such as hate, so they would rather lose the election hating Hillary than win the election improving their party.

A while back someone cited a study showing that GW Bush seems to be able to speak all right until he gets on a topic having to do with compassion or emphatic emotions. Then he starts to garble his sentences and screw up (more than usual). This is very telling. GW is the quintessential GOP man: he can hate and make war, but he's not much use for anything else, including helping his country.
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Going down in flames?

Post by Betsy »

So, Hillary's "going down in flames", huh? More like "rising from the ashes."

I'm an Obama supporter so last night broke my heart -- except it cheered me up a little knowing how many neocons wouldn't be able to sleep last night...
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Re: Going down in flames?

Post by Doug »

Betsy wrote:... except it cheered me up a little knowing how many neocons wouldn't be able to sleep last night...
The best thing about a Hillary presidency would seeing the right wingers go into a frenzy. I'd be laughing for 8 years...
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