This guys name rings a bell. I think he is the fellow that Randi tested in Russia in "Secrets of the Psychics." He was going "energy work" (lots of hand waving and zero results). I think he even bugged me about taking our psychic challenge many many years ago.
It's worth reading a page or two of his book. I'll bite my tongue and resist commenting on it for now.
• Proves that god – any god – does not physically exist.
• Proves that “time” does not physically exist.
• Reveals who and what humans are, and why they behave as
they do.
• Reveals of what everything that is physical is physically made of.
• Reveals why there are human male and female homosexuals.
• Explains what gravity actually is.
• Explains the “meaning of life”.
• Provides an equation for “everything”.
• Explains the ONLY method by which “happiness” can be
• Reveals many other factors that are currently unknown or
The email he sent to us:
Dear Webmaster,
The following Press Release may be of interest to you and other The
Fayetteville Freethinkers members, available to be published on your
website and newsletter.
By disclosing from what everything that is physical is physically made
of, Victor Senchenko, the author of ‘Revelations of a Human Space
Navigator’, not only overturns the basics of all the current sciences,
but also provides physical proof that ALL gods – with no exceptions
– are but a human invention.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, 2007 – In an unprecedented feat of scientific
disclosure, a single human has been able to present a new understanding
of all physical existence, which goes on to prove the physical
non-existence of god, or any gods. This disclosure includes explanations of
Who and What humans actually are, and why they behave as they do. By
providing all this knowledge, Victor Senchenko goes on to explain the
meaning of homosexuality, the meaning of life, and the ONLY way happiness can be experienced.
But just as gods are disproven in the ‘Revelations of a Human Space
Navigator’, so are other popular human notions, such as that of
“time”, which is part of all the many scientific theories, and religious
“The reason why science could not disprove the physical existence of
god – any god – for so long, is because the current knowledge of
science is flawed,” explained Victor Senchenko. “The current human
science is based on the same misconceptions as those used to form
religions. Once the physical reality of all physical existence is understood,
then all the human inventions – such as those of gods – can easily
be proven to be what they are: human fantasies and lies.
“Because humans never understood who and what they are,” he said,
“throughout their existence they had behaved despicably to each other
and to all that surrounds them. This shall stop. Humans are about to
grow up from being selfish children and take responsibility of care for
all the future generations of life forms on this planet, including their
“This book intends to alter human behavior, so that humans, as a
species, should have a chance to exist in ten thousand, hundred thousand, and even million years to come.
“Knowing human fear of physical reality and the physical truth, I
have no illusions that most of them – including those who reject belief
in god – without even having examined the information provided, will
at first be fearful, dismissive, or offended by my claims.
Unfortunately for humans (irrespective of how arrogant this may sound), if they want to extend their survival as a species: it is either the information disclosed in the ‘Revelations of a Human Space Navigator’, or a foreseeable demise.”
In defending the uniqueness and originality of these revelations, the
author issues a challenge to Any and Every person on the planet who
purchases this book: were that person to provide the author with a physical
proof that his revelations had already existed at any period of the
Human Age, (as knowledge not derived or sourced from this book), the
author, himself, will refund that person the full purchase price of the
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this
release, contact Media Team, at:
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